Sunday, November 12, 2006

Still reading Gordo's blog

Gordo's Long Course Clinic notes

Some very interesting reading, I had to read it slow to make sure I understood what he was saying. Find a time when you have 10 minutes to read and understand it.

Some good quotes

From KP:
"...the struggle is sometimes hard to see because it is not a struggle between good and evil as much as it is a struggle between the good and the best...

"...the good is always an enemy of the best because the good is so good; it has the feel of good, but ultimately it is less useful because it is not the best."

Not an obvious concept, people think they are training good enough and are willing to settle for that when they could be training better. I suppose this could come from not developing and executing a training plan or just winging their training without any focus.

From Gordo about Bobby McGee:

"Bobby shared his experience that fit athletes need to be worried about key workouts going too well. This has been shared with me by elite swim coaches. As we near true peaks in fitness -- we need to be extra careful as we have the ability to spend that fitness in training. Dave shared this with me in 2004 and I did a good job of limiting myself in training."

I've done this all too often, get close to a race, have a lot of energy, train extra hard thinking I will get more fitness and wind up using my fitness to train hard too close to race time.

Example Wednesday Sept 13

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