Friday, December 31, 2004

Friday morning hockey in Plymouth

Without anyone going to work and nobody to kick us off of the ice we skated about 2 hours before I gave up, the few remaining people finished just behind me. I actually felt pretty good throughout the whole skate and played pretty hard. I knew we had been on the ice for a while cuz I had to wet the palms of my gloves again and ran out of water. I skated 3 or 4 shifts without a drink and that was it.

Because of the long skate, I pushed my swim to saturday, it's a force workout.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

Thursday's run

7 miles, 1:00:25, HR 159, Bally's track. It was probably warm enough to run outside today but it was so wet and I've got the new shoes so I ran inside. I started on the treadmill but the stench of the "Holiday people" got to me in about 2 minutes so I moved upstairs.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

An hour on the computrainer

1:00:00, 17.4 miles, 134bpm, 163 watts.

Started riding the Orange County Triathlon ride and just went for 1 hr. There was a lot of climbing in the first 10 or so miles. I set the computer to ride at 160 and just tried to ride close to him. I had to slow down a lot cuz I rode away going up the hills. Next time I'll bump him up to 170 watts.

Next week I'm going to try to get some HR vs Watts data on some flat roads so I can track improvement over the next few months.

Wednesday's swim

I got the book "Workouts in a Binder" by Gale Bernhardt and did the first Endurance workout it in. This book is so cool cuz it is waterproof and you can have it right on the pool deck during your workout. It is very easy to follow and it has a section with all of the codes in it so if you don't understand what to do you can look it up. The only thing that it doesn't have is the other strokes that real swimmers use (Butterfly, Back stroke, Breast stroke). I'm going to do one short workout a week concentrating on them so I can keep up with the people at my swim club. Here is a link to the book

You can also click on the header for the link.

Today was 3200 yds. I was a little sore from yesterday's TT so I swam mostly in zone 2 but kept true to the workout.

600 warm up

400,300,200,100 moderate :20RI

300,200,100 neg split :25RI

200 fast :30RI

100 fast :20RI

4X150 Pull :20RI

100 cool down

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Tuesday's run 30 min Time Trial

I had debated on running the time trial today and decided to do it. The reason I considered putting it off untill thursday was the fact that I did a swim TT yesterday and thought I wouldn't be ready for it. I did a resting HR this morning and came up with a 52, which is normal for me so I went for it.

1 mile warm up

30 min TT as fast as I can run a consistant speed and take the average of the last 20 min.

4 miles (7:34,7:33,7:28,7:25) last 20 min ave of 179bpm. This is a little above what I expected but I'm not surprised at all since sunday's run gave me similar numbers.

1 mile cool down.

I had been suspecting that my LT had gone up but had not tested it since last May at which time I had a LT of 168. This directly falls in line with my PE for all of my recent runs, comfirming what I felt to be the right training zones for me.

Now armed with this new information I can continue with training for more speed. I guess all I have to do now is the bike test but it is so cold outside and I haven't been riding much at all so testing on the bike wouldn't be of much use.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Ride on Computrainer

First real ride on the computrainer today.

Easy 10 mile course, 180 watts, 20.4 mph, had computer set on 150 and beat him be about 1 minute. I didn't record the HR but most of the time it was near 145. I'm going to do a test later this week with it.

Swim Time Trial

Monday's swim included a 1000 yd time trial.


600 warm up

6X50 on 1:00


300 cool down

1000 yds in 16:44 (500 splits 8:27,8:17) which sets a new T-pace of 1:40

The last real test that I did was last February done at 17:41. I was allmost a minute faster today.

Sunday, December 26, 2004

Duh, I forgot about the swim

Swam 2600 yds today to finish up my 10,000 for the week. Nothing too hard cuz I swam after the run. I swam some 500's working on reaching and bending my elbow a little bit more. On one of the 500's I worked on sweeping my hand in the catch. I didn't wear a watch so I don't know if it is any faster. The swim was about 50 minutes in zone 2.

Sunday run and swim

Ran tempo today and felt pretty loose, 6 miles 50:30 ave HR 164. The HR went really high today but I ran to PE which felt like the top of zone 2 and the last 2 miles felt like zone 4.

The ave HR for the last 2 miles was 175. Using that for lactate thresh hold, it puts my training zones right in line where my PE has been for the last 2 weeks. I think the speed training is changing my training zones drastically. This week will have testing for run and swim, I'm expecting to see a swim T-pace near 1:42 and a run LT of 175.

Friday, December 24, 2004

Friday swim

Did a normal swim for me 3700 yds 1:20:00

600 warm up


10X50 odds non-free

200 cool down

All of my fast 100 were about 1:28's, normally I have been 1:35 to 1:40

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Thursday's run

Well, I broke down and bought another pair of shoes. The 1090's seemed good in the beginning but I still had a knee problem and everything I have been reading has pointed to the shoes. My intention was to get a pair of Asics 2100's, I had them picked out and ready to go but I wanted to try on a pair of Kayano's too. After putting them on and jogging around with them for a few minutes it was clear that the Kayano X was the shoe for me. I know they were more money but after running on them today I feel it's well worth it. The shoe guy I see pointed out an issue with my 1090's. On the right shoe, inside arch, you can see that the shoe is starting to break down allready. There are only 51 miles on them.

Today's run was a tempo run, 5 miles treadmill #5

mile 1 9:30 warm up

mile 2 8:00

mile 3 8:00

mile 4 7:30

mile 5 9:00 cool down

Ave HR was 151 but that was from the warm up and cool downs, the middle miles were about 162 to 165. While I was running I wasn't breathing hard but I think I was on the edge of it. I think I can to 7:30's next time without any problems.

One special note on today's run was while stretching before and after, I was very flexable, even more so afterwards.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Wednesday's swim

I did sets of 500 today

500 warm up (200S,100K,200S)

500 easy with paddles to work on hand entry

500 moderate pull

1000 Swim (17:35) I decided to swim it straight since I felt pretty good

500 easy with paddles again

500 moderate pull

200 cool down


The 1000 I kind of did as a pre-TT that I'm going to do next week, I just wanted to see what I could do. I really could have gone harder. First 500 was 8:57 and the second 500 was 8:37. That is the fasted 1000 I have done to this day, I think I can get near 17:00 on test day.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Tuesday's run

6 miles of a base run on treadmill #3. 56 minutes, HR 151, the last 4 miles were at 154.

Weekend training

Saturday swim was with the club. A short 2000 yd swim, 600 yd warm up, 1400yds of freestyle (sets were not importand), then some fun relays

200 yds freestyle - 8 swimmers

200 yds medley - 8 swimmers

200 yds with santa hat - 8 swimmers

100 yds with hockey puck at bottom of pool

Fun time with some real swimmers and triathlon teammates

I took monday off as a rest day

Friday, December 17, 2004

Friday's stuff

Played 70 minutes of hockey in the morning, felt pretty good, got new stick.

Ran intervals later in the afternoon on treadmill #5.

1 mile warm up

8X1/4 mile @ 1:40 to 1:45

1 mile cool down

Felt pretty good, I started easy because I didn't know what to expect. I haven't done intervals in a long time and didn't want to start off too hard. I probably could have gone harder and definitely could have done 3 or 4 more reps.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

Thursday's swim


600 warm up

3X750 (100kick,150pull,250 free,100kick,150pull)

9X50 hypoxic (breath 1:2strokes, 2:3strokes, 3:4strokes...9:10strokes)

200 cool down

Felt a little flat at first but warmed up after the first 750

This is the same workout I did on 12-2

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

Wednesday's run

Ran on the treadmill 6 miles, 56:30, HR 151. 1st mile 10:00, 2nd 9:30, 3rd-6th 9:15. Ran speed up untill I was at the top of zone 2 (154) and kept it there for the last 4 miles. Felt pretty good, getting ready for more speedwork.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Ironman Florida Pictures

Starting from the bottom

My dad (Norman), he made sure I had everything I needed for the race. He drove me around everywhere, dropped me off, picked me up, discussed strategies, took pictures, got food, generally everything. All I had to do was concentrate on the race. Without him there I would have had a hard time, Thank you very much.

Bill Terski: A new friend I met a month or so before the race, great guy. Check out the surf behind him, that was thursday morning's Gatorade swim. We were a bit worried. Waves were rolling 4 to 5 feet but after we got past the breaking waves it wasn't too bad.

Bill and Roman were goofing around taking pictures to kill the time before the race.

Me just after airing up the tires. It was pretty chilly that morning.

Me putting on an extra bottle cage. I took it off the day before but decied to put it back on that morning. It was a good thing because I broke the right rear cage at the beginning of the bike leg.

Race morning, Bill and I getting wetsuits on.

Thursday or friday morning Gatorade swim. (I think thursday)

Me on the bike somewhere after the special needs station. I could have gone much harder on the bike than I did. Look, I can ride in a straight line.

Me at the beginning of the run. I slammed down a half a bottle of Gatorade in the last 5 miles of the bike and was really full for the beginning of the run. I think I skipped a couple of aid stations because of that.

Just after the turn-around on the first loop. I felt pretty good.

Just after the turn-around on the second loop. My knee was starting to bother me by then but other than that I felt good.

Me at the finish. I walked for about 4 miles but I wanted to run accross the finish line.

A bunch of Michigan guys at one of the morning swims, we were missing Bill. (I think friday morning)

Dinner thursday night. Sorry I couldn't remember Heather's mom's name.

Dinner thursday night, right to left, Roman, Amy, Heather, Heather's mom, Me, Norman (my dad) Posted by Hello

A bunch of Michigan guys at one of the Gatorade swims Posted by Hello

Finally finished Posted by Hello

Near 20 miles on the run Posted by Hello

Near 7 miles on the run Posted by Hello

Starting the run. I over drank on the bike near the end and I was a bit bloated. Posted by Hello

On the bike somewhere just after the special needs station. Posted by Hello

Thursday morning Gatorade swim. Look at the waves!!! Posted by Hello

Getting wetsuits on Posted by Hello

Putting on my bottle cage Posted by Hello

Mr Bill Terski showing off, check out the surf behind him. Posted by Hello

My bike rack Posted by Hello

Me getting my bike ready race morning Posted by Hello

My dad making sure I've got everything that I need for the race Posted by Hello

Monday, December 13, 2004

Monday's training

Swam 3600 yds 1:20:00

500 warm up (200S,100K,200pull)

4x600 (200 pull catchup,200 swim moderate,100 Kick,100 IM)

10X50 odds non-free.

200 cd

The IM's are getting better, I am down to 1:56 per 100 consistantly. I have taken the advise of a friend at the Master's club and relaxed more on my butterfly and I feel stronger for the rest of the set. The breast stroke is getting better because of the kick timing too. The left side breathing for freestyle is becomming more and more natural, I swim that way all of the time now, sometimes when I'm not paying attention during catchup or drills, I breath every 5 strokes instead of 3.

A few hours later I did some easy miles on the bike trainer. 0:50:00, HR 127 I felt better than normal for a trainer ride. I am working with a new saddle, a San Marco Azoto. I set the height with my knee angle at 155 degrees. I'm not sure if the saddle is wide enough for me and if I will be able to sit on the nose of it. I'll give it a couple hundred miles to see.

15 min warm up

2X10 min (3:00 spin 55X19,3:00 spin 55X13@65rpm,3:00 spin 55X19,1:00 stand)

15 min cool down.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Sunday's run

I ran kind of fast today for me. 5 miles 43:14, HR 163, about an 8:40 min/mile on the track at Bally's. Looking for speed on the run still. The HR seemed high for how I felt, I figured it was a high zone 3 run but the HR was in zone 4, I wasn't even breathing hard. The next run should be an easy pace run near 6 miles then a couple of faster sessions after that.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Saturday swim with the club

Long hard workout today, especially for the tail end of a cold. This one had a lot of IM in it, a new person has started writing the workouts and have changed the format somewhat. I struggled with this one a bit, I didn't do the butterfly on all of the IM's.

450 warm up (200S,100K,150S)

3X300@5:30 (middle 300 pull)


6X50 Kick

4X200 (4X25 IM order, 100 IM)

300 easy pull


200 cool down (choice)

3700 yds

Friday, December 10, 2004

Friday's run

Ran 4 miles on the treadmill today, 1 mile warm up, 2 miles with 1/4 at 8 min/mile then 1/4 at 10 min/mile over and over, then 1 mile cool down. Felt really good but it's different not having any wind in my face like running outside. Total time 38:00, HR 151.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Light training

Been sick for the last couple of days, just a cold, not sure how I got it, maybe transitioning from 12 hrs of sleep a day to 7 hrs a day did it. I'm feeling better now and might either swim or ride the trainer for a half hour today.

Monday I ran 2 miles, lifted for 45 minutes and then ran 1 more mile. Knee was still a little bothersome but not bad. Tuesday I swam for a half hour and dicided to get out of the pool cuz I felt too week to swim 3500yds effectivly. That evening my ears got really hot which is a signal that I've got a head cold and I went to bed early. I even stayed home from work yesterday which is very unusual for me. Depending on how I feel I may swim or ride the trainer for a half hour today.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Weekend training

A good weekend despite the shorter training hours.

Saturday swim with the club, kind of short but hard:

600 warm up

3X225 pull @ 4:00

5X100 sprints

My times 1:25 1:26 1:26 1:26 1:25

That's about 5 seconds faster that I have ever sprinted, maybe next time I will get under 1:20

Also, I got my stroke video taped on saturday morning. One guy from the club critiqued my stroke, there were 2 things he noticed. 1: My arms were only bent about 45 degrees during the pull and 2: I was pulling some air that had stuck to my left hand on the entry. Honestly I was looking for more problems with that cuz I wanted an easy way to get faster, Oh well, I'll work on those two things untill I can get taped again.

Saturday night we had our club Christmas party at Madonna University. Got a cool T-shirt, the hors d'oeuvre were great and met Sheila Taormina. She had a motivational speech for us and stayed after to answer questions and to say hello to everyone. She is a real class act, everything that I expected of her.

Sunday I ran for 6 miles, about 57 minutes, HR 148, knee started to hurt again, don't really know why. I'll give it a few days off again.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Hockey morning in Plymouth

Well, I'm getting faster and have much better control. My skates are feeling more and more natural, still I need to get better. I tried much harder today and got some decent results. I got gassed about 50 min into the skate but it was just about over by then anyway. Things are looking up and the anerobic workout may help my speed in other sports. I only got about 5 hrs of sleep last night so I guess I couldn't expect too much today.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Thursday swim and run

Felt a little tired during the swim untill I got about half way through it.

3500yds, mostly zone 2

600 warm up

3X750 (100kick,150pull,250 free,100kick,150pull)

9X50 hypoxic (breath 1:2strokes, 2:3strokes, 3:4strokes...9:10strokes)

200 cool down

3 mile run on treadmill, zone 1 - low zone 2, 28:40, HR 143

Wednesday's workouts

Swam 1500yds during lunch, about 28 min zone 2-3. The Bilateral breathing is still going well. I started to count strokes and I'm at 22-23 which is pretty close to where I was when I was breathing on the right. I'm going to do some drills to try to get that down but it's not a big concern of mine.

Run 6 miles, 58 min, ave hr 150, mid zone 2, new shoes still feel really good. Normal route on Hines but I ran on the road cuz the trail was flooded in some places.