Thursday, June 18, 2020

I just signed up for my first off-road race of 2020

Xterra Dino North on July 25th

I've done this race twice and it's a good time.

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Week ending 6/14/20

A solid training week but I didn't swim at all, mainly cuz I was working afternoons and it wasn't convenient.

Tuesday 21 miles in 1:06 on Hines drive
Wednesday 40 miles in 2:07 on Hines drive
Thursday 40 miles in 2:09 AA Trail to AA Road to Curtis to 7 mile to Hines and home
Saturday 35 miles in 3:22 on Mountain bike at Murray Lake and Torn Shirt trails

Tuesday 8.8 miles in 1:15 with 4X7(3) Threshold intervals
Thursday 4.5 miles around work
Friday 4.5 miles around work again
Sunday 12.3 miles Island Lake - around Kensington and back plus a little more

A pretty solid week of training.  I hit all of my goals with all workouts.  I substituted mountain biking for the interval workout on Saturday.

8:47 on bike (from TP)
4:15 on run (from TP)

13:03 total time (from TP) 

Thursday, June 11, 2020

My end of season race Cancelled

Xterra USA in Utah on Sept 20th has been cancelled.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Garmin 830

Compared to my 820

Monday, June 08, 2020

Week ending 6/7/20

An easier week overall but mostly from cycling

I was able to swim twice in Trout Lake again for about 30 min at a time.  I'll try to swim 3 times next week.

Trout Lake across and back on one day then across and around the second day.

Tuesday 60 min easy
Thursday 60 min including 24 min threshold
Saturday Mountain bike Island Lake to Brighton Rec Murray Lake trail then back to finish IL.

Tuesday 49 minutes including 4X2.5(5) in Zone 4 (Target 6:30)
Thursday and Friday 4 miles Run around work
Sunday 1:33 run with 20 min of Threshold pace

I had a difficult time getting to 6:30 on Tuesday, I need some more practice running fast.
Running around work was subjectively easy but was faster than expected.
Sunday took some concentration to hold the Threshold pace but afterwards I felt really good.

10:34 total time with 6.5 hours on the bike, 3.5 hours on the run and 1 hour in the water.