Monday, March 31, 2008

New Wheel on Bike

New Rear Wheel

I just got this today!!!

I've been looking for a HED Jet 90 with a PT built into it for quite some time. Without any success I started looking on Ebay for an older CX 90 to build a PT into it. Well I found out why I was never able to find a used one...That is cuz HED has never made one before...This is the very first 650C Jet 90 that they have built up with a PT.

I'm still at work and will have to wait to get home and play with it.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Sunday 3/30

Run Long(er) on Hines drive. A little rainy but I made it back before it really came down.
10.3 miles 1:26:47 HR 137.

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Saturday 3/29

Swim with FAST 3900 yards 1:20

Bike on Computrainer later in the day
1:30 133 watts HR 119
Run right afterwards
4.95 miles 40:40 HR 138 bpm

Friday, March 28, 2008

Friday 3/28

Bike on Computrainer 1:05 149 watts
8X1 min speed interval with 3 min recoveries + warm up and cool down
I chose a flat course (Sylvania) to do the intervals on.

Swim 2800 meters
800 warm up
300 pull
5X200 Lactate Inervals :45 rest
8X50 sprints :20 rest
300 cool down

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Training and more Rambling - Thursday 3/27

I've been pretty consistant on the computrainer lately, it's been a good thing. Last night when I got an hour into my ride I was getting bored so I popped in my ITU tape and I was going strong again in just a few minutes. Scrubs just wasn't cutting it :(

Anywho...I've eaten pretty good lately and I've been able to drop down to 146 lbs. I feel pretty good about it and have 2 to 3 more pounds to lose to get to my goal weight. Whenever I start losing weight my arms start to look scary thin but I seem to hang on to the fat on my stomach and but. I can allready feel it thinning out now :)

Also, I forgot to mention that I changed shoes again last wednesday (3/20) cuz my Elixers were worn out. I got 315 miles on them and the sole under the balls of my feet were getting crushed down pretty well. That was about the milage I expected to get out of them but I wish I would have changed about 50 miles earlier cuz my right foot was starting to hurt. I really liked those shoes and will be getting another pair for racing and fast training but now I've gone back to the Wave Riders for my every day training shoe.

Run on Treadmill cuz it was really nasty again outside and added in a little bit of intensity. It was a little more difficult that I thought it would be.
Run 5.6 miles 47 minutes HR 137
10 min easy warm up
6X1 min hard 3 min easy
Finish up with easy for the duration of the workout.

Bike on Computrainer
1:30 ~ 30 miles 134 watts HR 123
I road the "staffordshire_stroll_UK course" 1 loop plus a little more. A lot of climbing in the beginning with only one really steep section of something like 13%. I don't really care for courses like that cuz I don't have the gearing on my bike for that at this time.

Oh, and speaking of gearing. I've gone about 2 weeks now with my new Q-Rings. I didn't mention them before cuz I was a little shy about them but they seem to be working OK. My first ride on them was an outdoor ride and honestly I didn't really notice anything different about them. After a few rides on the Computrainer I noticed that at the top of the pedal stroke I seemed to be a little behind on the pedal speed. I'm used to them now but I would like to wait another couple weeks before I go messing around with the ring positions. I'm thinking that position #4 would be better for me cuz it would advance the gearing just a little bit.

I got the Q-Rings seperately off of Ebay, the big one from Korea and the little one from Chicago or something. It was a quite a while untill I got the price I wanted but hopefully it was worth it. I decided to get a 53 big ring and change down from my 55 since I'm not strong enough to pull a 55 and cuz Rotor doesn't make a 55, they only go up to a 54. My small ring is a 40 and was the smallest I could get. At first I was a little bit concerned about not getting a 39 but I should be OK, I don't really do a lot of climbing except for the TTT. I'll write more later about them when I have more experience and a better opinion.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wednesday 3/26

Run Tempo on Hines Drive
6.6 miles 51 minutes HR 149
Warm up for about 12 minutes, Tempo (about 7:25) for 28 minutes, Cool down for the rest.

Swim 3750 meters with Karen at LTF Canton
800 Warm up
300 Pull
4X400 on 7:00 comming in on 6:35
7X100 on 1:45
350 cool down

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday 3/25

Run on treadmill cuz it's so nasty outside. Not too cold but windy and rainy.

9 miles 1:17:24 HR 138

Boring but OK with my music on.

Afterwards Karen and I drove out to Fraser Bicycle and took a look around. Very nice place, many bikes, parts and clothes. I wear small stuff so It's hard to find things that fit me well.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Monday 3/24

Swim 3250 meters 1:10 Really kind of a hard swim for me and I was pretty gassed at the end even though it really wasn't a long swim.

800 warm up
300 pull
10X100 on 1:45 Base Intervals (felt better near the end)
10X75 hard :45 rest Lactate Intervals (tired near end but didn't slow up)
400 cool down

Bike 1:41 on Computrainer 140 watts HR 127
2 loops on the Ann Arbor bike course. A good short hill ride and since I know the real course it was quite entertaining.

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Friday I took off cuz I really didn't feel like doing anything.

Swim 3400 yards with FAST
Bike 2 hours on Computrainer at home
Run 5 miles in the snow 42:30 hr 148

Swim was good with a bunch of fun relays at the end. A lot of 200's on 3:30 which were fairly easy for me since I'm used to doing 200 meters on 3:30. Karen, Dave and I rotated leads and were comming in around 2:52.

Bike was on the Steelhead course for just 2 hours though.

3 or 4 inches of snow just fell the night before so I had enough to run through. I ran my normal pace but with my trail shoes and the snow my HR was much higher.

Bike on Computrainer again for just over 1 Hour. I used the Nankin Mills Duathlon course since it's on Hines Drive and I live right next to it, so I'm pretty familiar with the road.

Run on Hines Drive out to Newburg road. 8.1 miles in 1:06:40 HR 140. I still don't like the cold weather but it's been tolorable lately since it's been over 35 degrees F

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Thursday First Day of Spring :)

Bike on Computrainer 1:08, 142 watts, 122 bpm. Not too hard just bike time.

Run on Hines 1:06:10, 8.1 miles HR 144

Just a little chilly on run running against the wind but comfortable with it.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Wednesday evening run

Run on Hines drive
11 miles 1:33:18 HR 137

Easy and uneventful run. I did my best to keep the speed down at the end so my legs wouldn't be trashed like last wednesday.

Morning swim before work

This is the first time in quite a while I've swam in the morning before work. I met a friend from my swim club there to get me out of bed that early.

Anywho, he was pretty fast and I know he was just waiting around for me between the intervals.

3000 meters
450 warm up
6X50 easy off stroke
6X200 free on 3:30 (came in around 3:12)
7X100 free on 1:45 (came in around 1:35 to 1:32)
350 cool down

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Tuesday 3/18

Run during lunch on treadmill since it's cold and rainy outside.

45 minutes HR 138 so it wasn't too hard. The program alternated between flat and 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6% grades. Using the flat speed of 9 min/mile the treadmill adjusted the pace for the inclines. It made the easy parts easy and the hard parts hard.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Monday 3/17

A little break from swimming today since I had so much intensity yesterday.

Bike on Computrainer doing the Alien Crop Circles hilly route.

About 19 miles 1:13:xx, 144 watts on PT, 158 watts on CT, didn't wear HR monitor.

Felt good although the pacer guy is really annoying cuz he won't climb with me and I seem to need 10 to 15 extra watts to ride the same speed so wattage pacing seems unreliable. I'm just going to start riding without him.

The time went by quickly since the ride was interesting but the 8% grade required gears that I don't have on the bike right now. I'm going to need to find a course that goes up to 5% only.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sunday Swim Meet at Milford High School

I felt pretty good about my longer stuff today from the swim meet at Milford High School
The pool is short course meters

800 free 12:07 goal was 12:44
400 free 5:57 goal was 6:11
200 free 2:47 goal was 2:47
100 free 1:17 goal was 1:17
50 free :34 goal was :34

I pretty much blasted my goals for the long stuff beating my 400 and 800 meter times by 16 and 34 seconds. Even my 200 time converts to my quickest ever while my 100 and 50 are just normal for me. Considering that I really haven't been working on the shorter stuff leaves me happy to be where I am.

These times seem to indicate that I'm much further ahead of last year since they are so much faster than last year's state meet times. I'm going to continue with my swim plans from Matt Fitzgerald's book and concentrate on my freestyle. Hopefully I can beat these times at Michigan Masters state meet when I'm tapered and the events are spread out over 3 days. I'm planning on swimming all of the free events plus 1 more that I haven't decided on yet. I'm also hoping to get 2 relays there too.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Friday Saturday

It was very nice outside on Friday so I got on the bike and rode for a while. That's all I did.

22 miles in about 1:10

Swim 4150 yards
700 warm up
8X50 kick
8X125 on 2:10
300 pull
7X100 on 1:35 (I did 5)
50 easy
100 for time (1:12)
200 cool down

Run on Hines drive
6.3 miles in 53 minutes HR 141

I've got a swim meet tomorrow and will be swimming all free events
800M, 400M, 200M, 100M, 50M and hopefully I'll be in a 800 relay.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thursday the 13th :)

1 hour on the Computrainer followed by a 30 min run.
60 minutes bike HR 129
31 min run 3.6 miles HR 133

Legs were blasted from Wednesday's long run. I was really cold comming back from that run and I ran as quickly as possible. It showed up in today's workouts.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Catching up again

I'm going to forget last weekend's training and just start with this week so far.

Swim 3000 meters pretty hard
warm up
12X25 stroke work
7X100 on 1:45 Base intervals
9X75 :45 rest - Lactate intervals so this was fairly quick
9X25 :20 rest - Sprint intervals as fast as I could go
12X25 kick on :30 (:10 rest)
cool down

Run on Hines drive 6.2 miles 50:15

Run 6.3 miles on Hines drive 52:00
Get fustrated trying to get a Computrainer to work so I didn't ride like planned.

Swim during lunch 3000 meters
Warm up
6X50 stroke work
6X200 on 3:30
8X100 on 1:45 (might have been 9, I was playing "You Suck" with the person next to me
cool down

Run Long on Hines drive 14 miles 1:58:30 HR 144

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Run hill program #2 on Treadmill
5 miles 47 minutes
The program worked really well. It even slowed down when the grade got steeper. A very worth while experience.

Swim 2900 meters
warm up
12X25 stroke work
6X200 Threshold (so quick) :45 rest
Comming in at 3:05 leaving on 3:50
6X50 sprint intervals :20 rest
12X25 kick
cool down

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Tempo Run

Run after work
6.2 miles 50:41 HR 144

10 min warm up
30 min tempo (well allmost since I haven't done a lot of fast running lately)
1 mile 7.5 mph (8:00)
1 mile 7.6 (7:53)
1 mile 7.7 (7:47)
.82 miles 7.8 (7:41)
10 min cool down

Felt pretty strong throughout the whole run. The cool down was very welcome.

Swim during lunch

2900 meters
350 warm up
300 pull
6X200 on 3:30
7X100 on 1:45 (2 at 1:50)
350 cool down

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Tuesday - Back in the swing

Changed up some with a little shorter runs and slightly more time on the bike.

Run on Treadmill moderate
3.6 miles in 30 minutes HR 139

Bike spin class, got there early to get an extra 15 minutes in for warm up. I find it difficult to warm up in the first 10 minutes of class like we are suppose to. This way I can go right into it.
1:15 HR 127, main set HR 134

Run on Treadmill a bit harder looking for a 8 to 10 beat spread on the HR
3.7 miles in 30 minutes HR 149

Monday, March 03, 2008

Monday 3/3

Easing into the week

Run on treadmill 6 miles about 51 minutes HR 144

HR is higher but I expected it since I was rested

I was hoping to run outside during lunch cuz it was warm outside but it was raining and all the walkways were covered with ice so I had to wait 'till after work


I took my own advise and rested a few days when I was feeling sick thinking that I could return to training in just a few days. I wound up taking more time off than planned but I needed it. Twice I have gotten sick 4 days after running outside in the cold. Probably a combination of the cold air and over-extending myself.

Anywho...I was off thursday and friday, saturday I swam longer and took off sunday returing to training on monday.

Saturday Swim 4000 meters
800 warm up
400 moderate
4X100 :15 rest (on 1:55)
4X50 kick :10 rest
300 moderate
3X100 on 1:50
3X50 kick :10 rest
200 moderate
2X100 on 1:50
200 Pull - no paddles
100 moderate
100 quick
100 pull

6X50 easy, sprint, easy, sprint, easy, sprint on 1:30

250 cool down
Been sick for a few days so no updates 'till later today.  I'm feeling much better.
