Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Wednesday's long run

I ran as fast as my little legs would carry me but I was still kind of tired from the 3 hours of training I did yesterday. Plus, since I trained so long yesterday, I really didn't get much to eat either so I went out about half full.

14 miles in 2:01:57 HR 153. The last 5 miles the PE was high (16) but the HR wasn't, it was getting difficult to hold 8:45's but I managed to do it. However, I missed negative splitting the run by about 10 secons and I wasn't too happy about that. I really wanted to neg split by at least 30 seconds. Looking back at last week's long run I ran nearly an identical pace. Next week's long run I'll probably go out a little bit slower, start at 8:50 and move down to about 8:35.

Nutrition on the run was my fuel belt with Gatorade (28oz) and 2 gels, one at 3 miles and one at 9 miles. Probably a little bit light on liquids for a 75 degree day.

This length of run is moving up to my upper range that I feel comfortable training at, and that is why I've decided to run Half Ironmans this year instead of a full Ironman. Maybe by the end of the season I'll feel comfortable with 20+ mile runs and go for an IM next year. I was kind of thinking of Ironman Wisconsin or maybe Canada.

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