Friday, April 08, 2005

Re-Working my ATP

I had planned on some extra recovery weeks in my Annual Training Plan thinking that I would need some extra rest or maybe even get sick and fall behind so I allowed room for some shifting of my training. Since that hasn't happend and I agreed to swim my state master's meet with my swim club (which happens to be next weekend) I first need to give myself an easy week before the meet and then make the new ATP to fit the scheduling of the Muncie Endurathon, my first A race.

On the advise of a very knowledgeable coach (you know who you are Mike) I decided to make my final plan in 3 week blocks

So the new ATP looks like this:

4/3/05 Base 1

4/10/05 Base 1

4/17/05 Base 1 easy (State swim meet)

4/24/05 Base 2

5/1/05 Base 2

5/8/05 Base 2 easy, maybe a duathlon

5/15/05 Base 3

5/22/05 Base 3

5/29/05 Base 3 easy

6/5/05 Build 1 maybe Seahorse Triathlon

6/12/05 Build 1 Ann Arbor Triathlon

6/19/05 Build 1 easy, Big Fish or Muskoka

6/26/05 Build 2

7/3/05 Build 2

7/10/05 Build 2 easy, start 10 day taper, maybe Waterloo sprint tri

7/17/05 Race week Muncie Endurathon, Half IM distance 7/16/05

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