Saturday, April 30, 2005

More Saturday workouts

It's not as nice outside as I would like it to be but I'll take what I can get. 53 degrees F and cloudy.

Bike 22.6 miles in 1:11:00, HR 132, flatted just before I got home and walked the bike the rest of the way. The road is pretty bad.

Run right after bike, 5.1 miles in 41:49, HR 145. HR seemed to be a bit low so either I'm tired or I'm not going fast enough, probably the first. One more hard day and then off to an easy week. I like these 3 week cycles, I would be dragging next week if I was doing 4 week cycles.

I did a little more nutrition on this workout today. 1 bottle gatorade on bike, 1 gel at 30 min, 1 gel at end of bike to start the run with. 1:53:00 is just too much to do on Gatorade alone.

Tomorrow I'm planning something a little different provided the weather cooperates. 45 min run, 2-2.5 hour bike, 45 min run. Yes, this is another workout from Gordo Byrn, I've been lurking around his site a lot lately. I don't have to look through the BS to find usefull information.

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