Wednesday, March 29, 2006

First outdoor long run in a while

10.3 miles 1:27:04 HR 160

Nice run on Hines drive, normal 10 mile loop with an extra run around the corner of Hines and Ann Arbor Trail. Roman was riding his bike and slowed to chat for a little bit.

HR is still a little bit high but only by about 3 beats. I am running faster so maybe that's it.

It was a very nice day outside, sunny, 54 degrees and light wind. Hope to have more nice weather like this.


Joe said...

> First outdoor long run in a while

So what did you do for the rest of the winter? Did you run on a treadmill?

jaretj said...

Most of my running was done on the indoor track at my health club. At 14 laps to a mile, it wasn't ideal but I really don't like cold weather. I normally didn't run much more than 10 miles indoor unless there was a specific workout plan that broke the session up into smaller parts.

I followed Daniels' Running Formula Marathon A program untill I hurt my calf. The indoor track was probably one of the causes. There were others but that would take a book to explain :)