Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Run 8 miles, 1:04:51, HR 159, 8:06 average, Ballys track

I was getting bored again so I was looking for someone to play you suck with when after 4 miles into my run, this young guy (guessing about 20) came running by me. Well I couldn't let him go and lose the game so I picked up the pace and ran him down. I figured that he would last about 1 mile and then quit but he kept going so I figured he would stop after 2 miles, nope!!! he kept going. Finally after 3 miles he took off and I couldn't keep up with him, I figured he was having a final sprint and was right. A half a lap later I passed him while he was cooling down. It's a good thing cuz I was baked.

I spent the last mile cooling down figuring that instead of doing 10 miles that I had enough stress for the day and finished up with only 8 miles. After yesterday's BT swim I didn't need another BT workout.

1 comment:

Crackhead said...

That's the challenge with the game. You tag someone who's already playing with themself :) But still you toughed out a good run against a 20 YO.

Your BT swim looked great, too. I'm going to get back in the pool tomorrow for about 3000. I think my lungs are now up to it.
