Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Training Thoughts

What do I need to do to make next season faster?

Goals for A race, HIM

Swim 33 minutes

Bike 2:30

Run 1:45

With transitions that should get me near 4:51 which I hope will make the roll down for the 70.3 championships

Well, I think that gains in swimming will be hard to come by and 33 would be a really good wetsuit swim for me. If I follow the same training plan that I did last year and make the same improvements, I should be close.

Gain's from cycling will be the most important. While I have ridden better than a 2:30 last season, I will need to back it up with a strong run which I was not capable of before. A 1:45 run is well within my abilities on it's own, but I will need superior bike strength to pull it off.

Last season I rode mostly 4 times a week. Tuesday and Thursday was near 40 miles each. Saturday was 50 to 60 miles and sunday was mostly 50 miles with runs before and after. This gave me near 180 miles a week which did me quite well and kept me from being over trained.

This season I'm looking at bumping the bike volume up to 220 miles a week by possibly adding a monday ride with a local cycling club, riding to work on mon,wed,fri, and/or taking half days every other friday and getting some good miles in, possibly 2 hours with my friday run right afterwards.

While the bike volume will go up, I don't believe an increase in run volume will produce the same results. I do feel that the quality of my run training can be improved. Instead of easy days and some fast days here and there after a good bike ride, I plan on using Daniels Running formula's quality workouts integrated into my schedule. Sticking to my 3 week schedule, I will probably stay near 25, 30, and 35 mile weeks and not with the volume Daniels suggests, my off weeks will be much easier. I don't want a repeat of February's calf problems. I also need to make sure I get enough rest too. I'll be looking for my 8 hours a night and do my best in keeping to that schedule.

Basic training plan will be very similar to last season which for me was easy to follow.

Mon Swim 2500yds, short bike opt.

Tue Bike 2 hrs, run short easy (maybe mtb)

Wed Quality run long

Thu Swim 2500yds, Bike 2 hrs (maybe mtb)

Fri Swim Short, Quality run short, short bike opt.

Sat Swim open water, bike long, run trails/hills

Sun Run 45 min, bike 2:30, Run 45 min or something similar

1 comment:

Crackhead said...

If I were you, I would go and read on the cruciblefitness.com forum about bike volume vs. intensity. Look for threads with TSS in the title.

Riding to work is not going to make you faster unless you RIDE FAST GOING TO WORK.

Doing a ride with roadies will help, though, as it should be a tempo or better effort.

My coach is a 2:30 or faster HIM rider. I think he rides maybe 3x per week (sometimes 4), but each of those rides (like what he gives me) is QUALITY.

Sure, to train for HIM you need to do some overdistance rides of maybe 4-4.5 hours, but generally speaking you'd want to be doing very focused rides geared towards pushing up the watts you can hold for 1 hour (aka FT or CP60 watts), which guarantees you can hold a higher % of those watts for a HIM ride.