Thursday, May 05, 2005


Skipped the swim cuz I think it's going to rain on sunday and would rather get a bike ride in, plus being an easy week I'm a little more flexable. Rode out to Cheryl's house in Dearborn to meet a couple of club members for the ride. Cheryl, Vince, Jason, Shawn and Francine were there. An easy ride for me but they haven't been training too much so I took it easy.

20 miles in 1:05:00, HR 131, nice day about 60 degrees so I kept my knees covered. I cleaned up the bike before the ride, it sure did need it. I got a new front chainring (the solid FSA ring) and it looks pretty cool. I ordered a new disc wheel two days ago, (Renn 575) Frank said it would be about 2 weeks, I don't know if I'll paint it red though, maybe some cool red stripes or something. I'll get a picture up soon.

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