Monday, May 16, 2005


I pretty much took today off. I got through my warm up in the pool, swam part of the first set and then just got out of the pool, went home and relaxed. I really needed a rest day, the weekend was pretty tough. Total swimming was 1500yds.

I got another wetsuit yesterday, it is used but has probably only been worn 2 or 3 times. I've been looking for a full suit and this model was high on my list. The story of the suit goes like this:

A friend of mine had his suit taken from his transition area and the person that took it left this one. This guy is over 6 foot tall and could not wear a small Aquaman. He wound up buying another one and had this one for sale for quite some time. I found his listing on the club website and went over to try it on. I liked the way it fit, I can even get my arms over my head without any restriction. It was quite a deal at $125 for basically a brand new suit.

I'll be able to swim with it in a few weeks when the water warms up some more, most of the local lakes are still about 55 degrees F.

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