Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Tuesday's long run

Ran long again but it looked like it was going to rain outside so I ran on the track. I picked it up at the end cuz I was trying to drop someone and still finished strong. There was also a time around mile 9 that I stuck with a faster guy for about 1/2 mile.

12 miles, 1:38:14, HR 156, near the top of zone 2.

Went to REI today to use my dividend and 20% off coupon and got me some bike stuff. First I got a pair of cold weather booties that I've needed so bad then I picked out a pair of cold weather gloves. I also got a new skull cap for under my helmet and a thin beenie hat for running. The whole lot cost me $60, that's just a little bit more than the booties are normally priced!!! Looks like I should be able to ride in 40 deg weather now, just in time.

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