Thursday, March 10, 2005

The next training cycle

Hopefully next month it will be a lot warmer outside and allow me to start riding the bike. I've started to plan my next cycle (base 3 of 4) and to include 3-4 bikes a week I need to change my run and swim days around some. Right now runs are Tue,Wed,Thu,Sat,Sun and swims are Mon,Wed,Fri,Sat and I try to get some biking in there too.

The new schedule kind of looks like this. It's a basic week and can be a little flexible. My goal is to have 3-4 swims, 3-4 bikes and 5 runs all done in 14,15 and 16 hrs and then down to about 9 hrs for an easy week. This is still 2 1/2 weeks away so I'm still in the planning stage. I might chop the hours down a couple cuz my "A" race isn't till July and I don't want to get overtrained or burned out. I'll see how I feel after this period ends and I get more miles on the bike.

Mon - easy swim

Tue - easy club bike, easy run

Wed - Long run

Thu - Swim, bike

Fri - Swim, easy run

Sat - Masters swim, Long bike, Specific run

Sun - Club bike, Specific Run

According to books I have, I will need to include some ME work and some shorter speed sessions in each discipline in this next phase. I've got to talk to some people to get some opinions on how much to do.

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