Monday, December 13, 2004

Monday's training

Swam 3600 yds 1:20:00

500 warm up (200S,100K,200pull)

4x600 (200 pull catchup,200 swim moderate,100 Kick,100 IM)

10X50 odds non-free.

200 cd

The IM's are getting better, I am down to 1:56 per 100 consistantly. I have taken the advise of a friend at the Master's club and relaxed more on my butterfly and I feel stronger for the rest of the set. The breast stroke is getting better because of the kick timing too. The left side breathing for freestyle is becomming more and more natural, I swim that way all of the time now, sometimes when I'm not paying attention during catchup or drills, I breath every 5 strokes instead of 3.

A few hours later I did some easy miles on the bike trainer. 0:50:00, HR 127 I felt better than normal for a trainer ride. I am working with a new saddle, a San Marco Azoto. I set the height with my knee angle at 155 degrees. I'm not sure if the saddle is wide enough for me and if I will be able to sit on the nose of it. I'll give it a couple hundred miles to see.

15 min warm up

2X10 min (3:00 spin 55X19,3:00 spin 55X13@65rpm,3:00 spin 55X19,1:00 stand)

15 min cool down.

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