Monday, November 21, 2005

Here I go again, changing things

Yes, I'm changing some training plans around again, here are some thoughts.

Looking at my training log I've been putting 4.5+ hours of swimming in a week while I've only been putting in well under 4 hours for the run. The run being my weakest discipline I should be training more. I feel that I have the most to gain (or most to lose) on the run for next season.

So what am I going to do? It seems obvious to me that I need to spend more time in the running department to achieve my goals for next season. To do that I am looking at switching up my run program. Looking at a run program that I got from Polar, it has two hilly runs a week, an easy run and a long run. Later in the program it has some interval runs but they're pretty scarce.

I have historically been weak in the hills so I feel the hill programs on the treadmill will help me. In the spring, when it is warmer, I can move outdoors to some trails with hills. Only a few races of mine will be hilly but I feel the strength I get will be beneficial for all of them.

Thinking of a schedule that includes these runs:

1 long run

1-2 hilly runs

1 threshold run

1-2 easy recovery runs

Long run will be on sunday untill it's warm enough to bike outside then I'll probably move it to wednesday again.

Hilly runs will be on tuesday and thursday and I might put a threshold run on one of those days to change up every once in a while.

Recovery runs may be inserted on monday, wednesday or friday when needed. Saturday may see a run if I can't get on the bike but I probably won't go over 6 runs a week untill January when I may attempt 30 runs in 30 days.

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