Monday, August 01, 2005


Run 2 miles 17:40

Bike 58.8 miles in 2:58

Run 4.5 miles in about 39 minutes, my HRM had some issues and I didn't get all of my splits like I wanted to.

I was a bit tired because I feel that I didn't eat enough on friday and saturday evenings. I tried some Gatorade from the bottle while on the bike and seemed to have the same stomach issues that I had in Muncie. There seems to be a big difference between the Gatorade in the pre-mixed bottles and the powder that I use. I mix it according to the directions but it isn't as strong as the bottled product. I also feel that I need to start drinking more on the bike. Last year I felt that I drank too much and wanted to tone it down a bit but it looks like I have gone too far and need about 24oz an hour, maybe a bit more.

The run I was pretty tired on, well, energy depleted to be more precise. I probably should have done a double gell at the beginning but I only took one with me (cuz it was only 4.5 miles).

Good weekend worth of training though, learned a bit and biked a lot.

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