Friday, August 19, 2005


The Pool was down for maintenance so I decided to run during lunch.

4.5 miles

1 mile warm up - stretch

3.5 miles hill program on the treadmill

2 min cool down that I didn't track distance.

I was really feeling tired this morning, the warm up for the run was a little uncomfortable too but when I got going on the hill program I started to feel much better. When I got done, I felt great. So good in fact that I ate another lunch:)

I've got to jumble around my schedule this weekend cuz of our club race but I should still be able to get my long bike ride in and 2 more runs, maybe 3. Before the race I think I'll be able to get an open water swim in, I'll tell them that I'm checking the water temp.

Next week won't be a typical week because I'm racing next sunday. It's the Mid-East Regional Championships and our club needs to have a good showing. Thinking of doing my long run on Tuesday and only making it 10 miles, probably run easy on monday, thursday and friday. Anywho, I've got a couple of days to rearrange the schedule.

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