Friday, March 30, 2007

Thursday Friday

I was pretty tired on thursday so I took it easy on the swim. It was colder and windy so I bagged the bike ride.

Swim 1500 meters about 30 minutes.

Bike MTB
43.6 miles 3:12:24 HR 144
My longest ride of the year and it was on the mountain bike :)

Swim 2200 with LALA
A lot of stroke work


Anonymous said...

You should have come out and run the Martian 1/2 Mary, perfect race conditions!

I had a good race started to cramp up a little in the last 3 miles and was slowed some with a side stitch, other than that I felt great, first 10 miles I was cruising.

Avg HR - 177

Mile 1 - 5:42 HR - 163
Mile 2 - 5:51 HR - 177
Mile 3 - 5:54 HR - 178
Mile 4 -
Mile 5 - 11:33 HR - 179
Mile 6 - 5:46 HR - 181
Mile 7 - 5:52 HR - 180
Mile 8 - 5:51 HR - 180
Mile 9 - 5:50 HR - 181
Mile 10 - 5:54 HR - 180 (10mile PR = 58:17)
Mile 11 - 6:13 HR - 178
Mile 12 - 6:26 HR - 175
Mile 13 - 6:31 HR - 177
Mile 13.1 - 0:43 - 179
Total - 1.18.08

Now only if I could workout how to run like this off the bike :P


jaretj said...

I thought about it but:
1. I didn't plan on doing it
2. My bike training is behind
3. I was generally tired from this weeks' training.

Great job on the Half!!! That's pretty impressive.

I think I've got a good 50 mile hilly route around Island Lake and Kensington, just add a lap of Island Lake to my route described in my next post.