Sunday, February 04, 2007

Training Thoughts

A very good week for me as I have accomplished a couple things.

First, a very good run week with 50.7 miles in 7:09:50. Somewhat mixed up intensities early in the week and easy at the end. It's way too cold for me to run outside so all of the miles have been on the treadmill. Saturday's run had a very low HR which I feel is the result of the higher intensity during the week. Friday was a nice day off from running while tuesday and sunday saw double runs.

Swimming was a bit on the higher side with Approximately 14K in the pool. That will come down a bit this week since I will be swimming a meet on sunday so saturday's swim will be a bit shorter. As of now I'm only swimming the 1500m, 400m and maybe 2 relays but they are really short. I've been doing the Endurance speed workouts from my book and I feel that has helped me a bit. I'm going to add some pull sets early this week since I respond very well to them, and I think they're fun. My flip turns are getting better since I've been practicing them the right way but I don't know if they'll be ready for the meet just yet. I have a problem with under-rotating and I may go back to my old way of sculling a little with my arms during the flip.

Diet has changed a little bit too. I'm down to my goal weight (142 lbs) so I can eat a little bit more now and not feel to tired to train. I'm including more protein in my diet and have been looking for good sources. I have added some (more) chicken to dinner, wallnuts to my breakfast and some milk during the day and at the end. Been eating some peanuts for snacks but not too much, hopefully that can help me with some better quality fats. I'm going to let my weight float now and eat as I see fit but still responsibly. If my weight goes up or down I'll re-evaluate the situation when it comes.

I got a compliment today as someone said that I looked like a runner and had a runner's type body. I started to chuckle at first but looking in the mirror I can see my arms, legs and face are thinner. I've still got some around my stomach but it's less than before and I feel that I could finally run without a shirt and not be embarrassed if the opportunity presented itself.

I feel healthy and strong and that's important to me. Training 14-15 hours during the offseason better pay off or I'm going to be pissed. I don't think I could put anything more into training right now and I'm not sure if I am capable of much more of a load when it's gets warmer outstide and I pick up the biking. I'm going to have to find a way of training smarter to meet my goals or I may burn out by April.

Swim 13,950 yards 4:40
Bike 54 miles 3:00
Run 50.7 miles 7:09:50

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