Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Training Thoughts

Feeling so much better than the last 2 weeks, the rest has really helped.

Changing my running ideas again. I feel that running in zone 1 has not helped me as much as I thought it would. Maybe it helped with building the volume but has seemed to hurt me with speed. Daniel's running formula has called for 2 quality sessions a week and easy running to fill in the rest of the milage. It seems that I've not been able to accomplish the faster sessions lately and my steady/faster running has become very difficult.

What am I changing?

1. I'm bringing up the intensity of my easier runs from zone 1 up to middle of zone 2, that would be 8:30's to 8:15's and/or HR of 148 to 154. Running slower that 8:30's has brought my cadence down and I think it's degrading economy.

2. I'm going back to 5 runs a week with slightly longer runs. Instead of 3.5 mile runs I'll be doing 6-7 with a mid-zone 2 intensity. My visions of 30 runs in 30 days are slipping away, I feel that it's not right for me now and that I need 2 days off for recovery, maybe next off season I will fit it in.

3. My easy weeks will be easier. Daniels running didn't give me enough rest on the easy week. I will go down near 25 miles instead of 30.

4. I'm going to start biking earlier that I had planned. I'm getting into the idea that I need bring my biking ability up so high that I can run any distance afterwards. If I can run the Half Marathon paces that I'm running now after biking, I'd be really happy. I just need to work on my bike pacing.

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