Thursday, June 30, 2005

Wednesday's long run (really thursday morning)

It was pretty hot and stormy last night so I decided not to try the long run, instead I ran this morning.

12 miles 1:44:00 HR 150. The weather channel said 72 degrees but my thermometer said 88 and it was very humid cuz I was soaked when I got home, plus my shoes were soaked with so much sweat that they were squishing for the last 2 miles.

I took it easy on this run since I had a much higher intensity run on tuesday. A faster run now would probably hurt me more than help me since I'm so close to tapering for Muncie. The base building is all done and I'm going to have to rely on what I've done in the last several months.

It's supposed to storm later today so I don't know if I'll be able to get a bike ride in after work.

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