Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Long run today 12 miles 1:42:50 (8:35 pace) HR 149. PE was really high today (I'm not surprised) and the HR was low but I still worked on efficiency. Pretty much even pace and neg split by just 20 seconds. I ate 2 gels during the run and drank 28oz of Gatorade.

I was 3 lbs light when I got home so I put down the water with some extra calories.

Along with the extra training time this week, I've put a lot of effort into recovery too. After every workout I replace calories and fluids and even get a nap in between morning and afternoon workouts. I've spent a considerable amount of time on flexability too. While being about half way through the week, I still feel pretty good, I've been eating healthy and getting about 9 hrs of sleep every night.

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