Monday, June 20, 2005

Sunday - Big Fish Triathlon

Being a "C" race I didn't taper for it but I used it as a BT workout for the weekend so I rested a bit on Saturday to be somewhat fresh for the race.

I did this race last year as a sprint tri 1K/40K/5miles and they changed it to an olympic distance this year so the bike ride was the same. I didn't quite hit my goals that I set for the race but it did go pretty well. I was 2 minutes faster this year on the bike with a lower HR so I know I'm a bit stronger this year.

2:32:02 --- 2-27:34 -- 2:18 --- 3-1:11:31 - 20.8 -- 1:11 --- 5-49:29 - 7:58

Overall 16/108

M35-39 4/17

Swim: I didn't want to get beat up like I did last week so I started away from everyone and swam my own pace. I was 17th overall out of the water with a mediocre swim. I swam straight along the bouys and it was pretty uneventfull. I probably should have swam harder. The water temp was 75 degrees so I figured that it would be a good time to try out the new wetsuit in a race. I'm still not convinced that the full suit is faster than the sleeveless although it feels much better than the Ironman suit that I had before.

Bike: Again a mediocre bike ride, I had a difficult time getting my HR up to normal racing pace but it was near LT so I felt comfortable with it. 1:11:31 was 3rd in my AG and 21st overall. It was a hilly course for this part of Michigan and that slowed me down a bit, that and I haven't seemed to be as strong on the hills this season.

Run: I was winded again at the start of the run but still managed to run under 8 min/miles at 49:29, 5th in AG and 28th overall. Miles 3 and 4 had some big ups and downs that really slowed me down, after the 4 mile mark I felt really good and picked up the pace and ran a couple of people down that had passed me earlier. Being faster on the flats was really good news for me cuz after I went through the hills and thought I was done, I was able to pick it back up again and run my planned pace and finished pretty strong. Since Muncie is flat, the training seems to be going as planned.

All in all it was a good training day and valuable race experience for me that told me what I need to work on before Muncie. Open water swim speed that I will work on at Spring Mill pond, Bike ME pushing big gears, Run speed work - I still am working on the efficiency thing and will start interval training this week to work on foot speed.

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