Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Wednesday's run

I had planned a 12 mile run but increased it to 13.1 cuz I was running so quickly. Total time was 1:58:21 (9:02 pace) which is a personal best for me. Ave HR was 152 but I pushed 158 for the last 3 miles to get the time that I wanted. Felt really strong throughout the run and did 2 gells at mile 5 and 10 with 28oz of Gatorade. I really could have gone much faster if I had wanted to and was tempted to do it. Recovery time to 120bpm was 53 seconds. Kind of cool, 55 degrees with very little wind. Looks like I will get a half day tomorrow at work so I can get in a long straight swim and a med dist bike ride. Friday I have the whole day off and am planning a long bike and short run. Sat it is supposed to rain and will do some bike maint at my dad's house plus a morning swim with the club. Sunday looks like a fun bike ride with a med dist run afterwards.

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