Thursday, August 05, 2004

Wednesday's Run

Took tuesday off too cuz it was Justin's birthday (my son). We baked a cake and went out to dinner. -------- Wednesday I cut my long run down from 15 miles to 10 cuz I ran out of time. Hines drive was flooded going east so I had to go west and run on the road. Nice run, temp was about 75 degrees, time 1:37:30, HR at 145, kind of average for me. I'm going to run another 10 on Friday instead of 6 and probably 5 on Sunday after the ride. 10 milers are really no big deal now since I've been going longer. -------- I swam this afternoon during lunch to get some yards in, probably do that again tomorrow. Tonight is a bike ride, gonna try to hook up with Roman if I can but 30 to 40 miles at about 20 mph is the goal.

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