Friday, February 13, 2009


I'm tired even though I've been getting more sleep lately.

Swim about 2000 yards
WU 400 broken IM 100 kick 300 pull
MS 5X200 as SKIPS
CD 200 of whatever I felt like

I allways have a hard time staying asleep at night. I normally wake up a few times but for the last week I've stopped drinking pop (soda) after work and that has helped. This week I seem to only be waking up around 4:30am.

The run yesterday was hard on me. It really wasn't a long run but longer than I have done in quite some time. I've gone a little different route for the off season and am running faster while reducing my total milage. I feel like I've not done enough running but I have been on the bike more than in previous years.

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