That's what I did today...a bunch of hard 200's
3000 yards at the rec center
800 warm up
5X200 on 3:45 (lots of rest)
100 kick
5X200 on 3:45 (lots of rest)
100 cool down
I origionally planned to do them on 4:00 but that seemed too long of a recovery so I cut the interval by :15. I wanted to do them hard every time.
Most of the time I was comming in under 3:00 with several under 2:55 in the first set. Most under 2:57 in the second set. My best was 2:50 two times.
I've noticed that the girls swim team that is there in the afternoon when I swim on Mon and Fri do their sets with a lot of rest. Mostly shorter intervals but very fast. Most of their 100's are a little quicker than mine (I'm guessing 1:15 to 1:20) but they are still doing them on 2:00. I'm also not sure what events they are training for, probably shorter stuff, that would explain why I never notice them going longer than 150's.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Bike on Hines drive, my first ride outside this year. It was still cold if anyone was wondering :)
1:04:15 21.3 miles
15 min warm up
3X12 min with 3 min easy
Finish out time easy
Run afterwards
4 miles 32:49
Brisk on the way out and under zone 2 on the way back.
1:04:15 21.3 miles
15 min warm up
3X12 min with 3 min easy
Finish out time easy
Run afterwards
4 miles 32:49
Brisk on the way out and under zone 2 on the way back.
Wednesday - feeling better
Swim during lunch. My normal swim, felt good like last week.
20X100 on 1:45
5 warm up touch under 1:30
5 quicker touch near 1:25
5 quicker yet touch well under 1:25
5 cool down touching around 1:27
Run on Hines drive with a little bit of rain. It was nice to run outside instead of on the track.
11.7 miles in 1:35:58
Same concept as last week. I was supposed to test today but am putting it off for a few weeks.
30 min near 8:40 started to rain lightly at 30 min
15 min Z2 (7:58) I had to go up the hill by Newburg rd
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:36) I felt really good here, faster than planned.
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:46) I just about bonked near the end, walked for a min afterwards and ate a gel.
About 11 min jog home, felt better with sugar in my system. The rain started to come down a little bit harder about 1 mile out.
20X100 on 1:45
5 warm up touch under 1:30
5 quicker touch near 1:25
5 quicker yet touch well under 1:25
5 cool down touching around 1:27
Run on Hines drive with a little bit of rain. It was nice to run outside instead of on the track.
11.7 miles in 1:35:58
Same concept as last week. I was supposed to test today but am putting it off for a few weeks.
30 min near 8:40 started to rain lightly at 30 min
15 min Z2 (7:58) I had to go up the hill by Newburg rd
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:36) I felt really good here, faster than planned.
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:46) I just about bonked near the end, walked for a min afterwards and ate a gel.
About 11 min jog home, felt better with sugar in my system. The rain started to come down a little bit harder about 1 mile out.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Run 5.4 miles on Hines in 46:13
A little cold and difficult to get into the groove, not really motivated.
Bike for just a few minutes untill I decided to bag it. I decided to take and shower and watch TV in my sweats. I should have eaten a gel, did a sub-par workout and call it junk miles.
A little cold and difficult to get into the groove, not really motivated.
Bike for just a few minutes untill I decided to bag it. I decided to take and shower and watch TV in my sweats. I should have eaten a gel, did a sub-par workout and call it junk miles.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Swim only, I felt tired going into the swim but after a long warm up I felt better and did the workout as planned.
3200 yards
WU 200S,100K,200P,100K,200S,200P (1000)
4X500 Swim/Pull on 8:30 (7:25 Swim, 7:25 Pull, 7:20 Swim, 6:55 w/paddles)
200 cool down
3200 yards
WU 200S,100K,200P,100K,200S,200P (1000)
4X500 Swim/Pull on 8:30 (7:25 Swim, 7:25 Pull, 7:20 Swim, 6:55 w/paddles)
200 cool down
Sunday, February 22, 2009
The week in review
I'm finally getting to the schedule and volume I feel is appropriate for me at this time of the year.
Last week I got in a solid week of swimming at 4:20 and 12200 yards. Mixed up quite well and keeping the intensity higher than normal. My short sets are getting more comfortable and that's something I've struggled with in the past. Our state meet is comming up in 4 weeks and I need to get my 1650 ready to go. I will be swimming at least 1 other meet and it will probably be in Milford 2 to 3 weeks prior to the state meet. I'll be swimming the 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 (SCM) plus relays.
On the bike I was 30 min short of my goal of 5 hours but 4:30 on trainers is nothing to sneeze at. I was chasing numbers late in the fall, particulary TSS points (see note at bottom about TSS points), while I think that was a mistake, the quality of work was not. I got much more quality time on the bike than I had in the previous years and am further ahead this season than I have ever been. I will credit Endurance Nation's Out Season Program for that. Now I'm getting in a longer bike ride a week and the TSS points don't seem proportional to the fatigue I feel from it. So comparing shorter harder rides to longer easier paced rides with TSS points doesn't really work. It seems to me that rides of nearly the same duration can be compared with TSS to distinguish intensity.
I ran 4:30 for 32.5 miles with a considerable amount of intensity added that I'm getting very comfortable with. Again Endurance Nation has helped me with run speed but I feel that there is not enough run volume in their Out Season plans. Another day or two of easy running would make running better. If you go that route, make sure that you can complete the workouts in the plan for the first 4 weeks before you add anything. They are very tough and remind me a lot of Daniels Marathon A plan.
I would like to hold these volumes untill it gets warmer outside where I can put in more bike time. One of my goals this year is to be so much stronger on the bike that running afterwards seems easy. Obviously I would like to improve my swimming and running but I feel that the most bang-for-the-buck will come from cycling right now.
Lastly, I have been paying close attention to the amount of sleep I have been getting. I got sick during the last week of January and noticed that I was averaging less than 7 hours of sleep a night. To get more and better quality of sleep I've stopped drinking pop (soda pop for those of you that don't live in SE Michigan) after 4pm, started logging my sleep time and made a good effort to be in bed before 10pm.
TSS points is a way of quantifing a training session. It takes into account the duration and intensity of a workout to produce a number that is related to the amount of training stress that is put on a person.
In detail, here is an explaination:
From Velonews:
Training Stress Score (TSS)- The TSS represents a calculated number that takes into account the duration and intensity of a workout to arrive at a single score of the overall training load and physiological stress created by that session. One hour of functional threshold (as hard as you can go for one hour) = 100 Training Stress Score points.
Last week I got in a solid week of swimming at 4:20 and 12200 yards. Mixed up quite well and keeping the intensity higher than normal. My short sets are getting more comfortable and that's something I've struggled with in the past. Our state meet is comming up in 4 weeks and I need to get my 1650 ready to go. I will be swimming at least 1 other meet and it will probably be in Milford 2 to 3 weeks prior to the state meet. I'll be swimming the 50, 100, 200, 400, 800 (SCM) plus relays.
On the bike I was 30 min short of my goal of 5 hours but 4:30 on trainers is nothing to sneeze at. I was chasing numbers late in the fall, particulary TSS points (see note at bottom about TSS points), while I think that was a mistake, the quality of work was not. I got much more quality time on the bike than I had in the previous years and am further ahead this season than I have ever been. I will credit Endurance Nation's Out Season Program for that. Now I'm getting in a longer bike ride a week and the TSS points don't seem proportional to the fatigue I feel from it. So comparing shorter harder rides to longer easier paced rides with TSS points doesn't really work. It seems to me that rides of nearly the same duration can be compared with TSS to distinguish intensity.
I ran 4:30 for 32.5 miles with a considerable amount of intensity added that I'm getting very comfortable with. Again Endurance Nation has helped me with run speed but I feel that there is not enough run volume in their Out Season plans. Another day or two of easy running would make running better. If you go that route, make sure that you can complete the workouts in the plan for the first 4 weeks before you add anything. They are very tough and remind me a lot of Daniels Marathon A plan.
I would like to hold these volumes untill it gets warmer outside where I can put in more bike time. One of my goals this year is to be so much stronger on the bike that running afterwards seems easy. Obviously I would like to improve my swimming and running but I feel that the most bang-for-the-buck will come from cycling right now.
Lastly, I have been paying close attention to the amount of sleep I have been getting. I got sick during the last week of January and noticed that I was averaging less than 7 hours of sleep a night. To get more and better quality of sleep I've stopped drinking pop (soda pop for those of you that don't live in SE Michigan) after 4pm, started logging my sleep time and made a good effort to be in bed before 10pm.
TSS points is a way of quantifing a training session. It takes into account the duration and intensity of a workout to produce a number that is related to the amount of training stress that is put on a person.
In detail, here is an explaination:
From Velonews:
Training Stress Score (TSS)- The TSS represents a calculated number that takes into account the duration and intensity of a workout to arrive at a single score of the overall training load and physiological stress created by that session. One hour of functional threshold (as hard as you can go for one hour) = 100 Training Stress Score points.
Bike at Ken's house on Computrainer. I talked Jane S into doing the Alien Crop Circles. It was a lot of 6, 8 and 10 percent short hills, one after another.
2:30 on the bike was just as I planned but I was 30 min short of my 5 hour goal :(
Run on Hines in the windy cold weather. I saw Jim and Harry (the dog) just starting their run. Looked like they were going to run the trails and have fun.
Run 5.1 miles in 41:17
2:30 on the bike was just as I planned but I was 30 min short of my 5 hour goal :(
Run on Hines in the windy cold weather. I saw Jim and Harry (the dog) just starting their run. Looked like they were going to run the trails and have fun.
Run 5.1 miles in 41:17
Swim with FAST sat morning
4100 yards
600 warm up
6X50 on :50
Ladder with :15 rest between distances
Then some stupid stroke stuff that I decided to swim free that was:
6X150 on 3:00 so I worked on some technique
8X75 as 25 kick on back 50 free stretched out
200 cool down
Bike on trainer for 50 minutes, I was not really inspired :(
Run 4 miles on Hines drive in the snow storm. I got a new pair of trail shoes that I figured I would start breaking in. It was really snowy :)
4100 yards
600 warm up
6X50 on :50
Ladder with :15 rest between distances
Then some stupid stroke stuff that I decided to swim free that was:
6X150 on 3:00 so I worked on some technique
8X75 as 25 kick on back 50 free stretched out
200 cool down
Bike on trainer for 50 minutes, I was not really inspired :(
Run 4 miles on Hines drive in the snow storm. I got a new pair of trail shoes that I figured I would start breaking in. It was really snowy :)
Run on Hines, the weather was a bit mild. I've found that I'm able to run down to about 30F without any issues. When it get colder than that I get very uncomfortably cold.
5.4 miles in 44:06 a little quicker than normal for junk miles.
Swim at Livonia Franklin High School
2800 yards in about 1:00
Fun stuff mostly short, since I've been working on my short stuff it went pretty well. We did some relays at the end and I went off the blocks OK.
5.4 miles in 44:06 a little quicker than normal for junk miles.
Swim at Livonia Franklin High School
2800 yards in about 1:00
Fun stuff mostly short, since I've been working on my short stuff it went pretty well. We did some relays at the end and I went off the blocks OK.
I was a bit tired from the run on Wednesday so I cut my run short and went home.
Run 15:30 at Livonia rec center
Run 15:30 at Livonia rec center
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Swim during lunch again
2000 yards
20X100 on 1:45 again pretty much as before but I felt stronger today
5 warm up touch under 1:30
5 touch under 1:25
5 touch near 1:20
5 cool down touch under 1:30
Run long(er) again
1:30 11.05 miles as:
30 min near 8:40
15 min Z2 (7:51)
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:46)
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:43)
5 min moderate
I didn't run as hard this week cuz my legs have been killing me after the last two long runs so instead on 2X15 in Zone 3 I ran a little faster than Z2. My legs felt pretty good after the run, we'll see how they are tomorrow.
2000 yards
20X100 on 1:45 again pretty much as before but I felt stronger today
5 warm up touch under 1:30
5 touch under 1:25
5 touch near 1:20
5 cool down touch under 1:30
Run long(er) again
1:30 11.05 miles as:
30 min near 8:40
15 min Z2 (7:51)
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:46)
5 min easy
15 min Z2 (7:43)
5 min moderate
I didn't run as hard this week cuz my legs have been killing me after the last two long runs so instead on 2X15 in Zone 3 I ran a little faster than Z2. My legs felt pretty good after the run, we'll see how they are tomorrow.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Tuesday - Reworked schedule
Run on Hines drive cuz it was allmost 40F (~5C) and I don't really like running on the indoor track as much as running outside.
Run 5.1 miles 43:30 HR 142
Fairly easy run on the road, just warming up for the bike.
Bike 1:10 175 watts average on indoor trainer. I debated on riding the Mountain bike outside but I had some specific stuff to work on.
WU 20 min
MS 3X12 min hard with 3 min rests
Cool down to finish out time
Fairly hard intervals, I need to get more time on the bike. I would like to be consistantly over 5 hours for the next few weeks.
Run 5.1 miles 43:30 HR 142
Fairly easy run on the road, just warming up for the bike.
Bike 1:10 175 watts average on indoor trainer. I debated on riding the Mountain bike outside but I had some specific stuff to work on.
WU 20 min
MS 3X12 min hard with 3 min rests
Cool down to finish out time
Fairly hard intervals, I need to get more time on the bike. I would like to be consistantly over 5 hours for the next few weeks.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Monday swim 2/16
Karen and I swam at LTF Canton today since Livonia Franklin was closed and LTF made me stay untill the end of February.
I continued with the longer sets for monday
Swim 3000 meters
700 warm up
4X500 Pull/Swim :45 rest
300 cool down
I continued with the longer sets for monday
Swim 3000 meters
700 warm up
4X500 Pull/Swim :45 rest
300 cool down
Sunday, February 15, 2009
This schedule isn't working for me
I've got to rearrange my schedule cuz I just can't get the current one working for me.
Current plan
Mon Swim
Tue Run intervals
Wed Swim (lunch) Bike intervals Run short
Thu Run long
Fri Swim
Sat Swim Bike 3 hours
Sun Bike 2.5 hours Run short
I'm going to switch it around to the basic week that I have used for the last 2 years while keeping most of the workouts and modifing some.
Mon Swim long intervals
Tue Bike 1:00 to 1:30 Run mid distance ~ 1 hour
Wed Swim short intervals (Lunch) Run Long
Thu Bike 1:00 to 1:30 Run short to mid distance 30 min to 1 hour
Fri Swim mixed 200's
Sat Swim with FAST Bike 1:00 Run tuesday's intervals
Sun Bike Long Run short
I should be keeping the overall volume about the same but I'm going to drop some of the intensity from the long run untill I'm over 35 miles per week again.
Current plan
Mon Swim
Tue Run intervals
Wed Swim (lunch) Bike intervals Run short
Thu Run long
Fri Swim
Sat Swim Bike 3 hours
Sun Bike 2.5 hours Run short
I'm going to switch it around to the basic week that I have used for the last 2 years while keeping most of the workouts and modifing some.
Mon Swim long intervals
Tue Bike 1:00 to 1:30 Run mid distance ~ 1 hour
Wed Swim short intervals (Lunch) Run Long
Thu Bike 1:00 to 1:30 Run short to mid distance 30 min to 1 hour
Fri Swim mixed 200's
Sat Swim with FAST Bike 1:00 Run tuesday's intervals
Sun Bike Long Run short
I should be keeping the overall volume about the same but I'm going to drop some of the intensity from the long run untill I'm over 35 miles per week again.
Bike on Computrainer at Ken's house
Rode 2.5 hours on the Spirit of Racine course. ~19 mph and 152 watts.
Rode 2.5 hours on the Spirit of Racine course. ~19 mph and 152 watts.
Swim 1:20 at Schoolcraft. We got in the pool late cuz the lifeguard was not on time and didn't finish the workout. This is from memory.
WU 500
5X100 on 1:40
6X50 Kick on 1:10
5X200 on 3:15
2X100 IM
2X50 on 1:00 fly/free
2X100 IM
2X50 on 1:05 back/free
2X100 IM
2X50 on 1:05 breast/free
20X25 as sprint, no breather over, technique, underwater (we got 6 of these done :P )
CD 100
Bike on Trainer 1:00
WU 500
5X100 on 1:40
6X50 Kick on 1:10
5X200 on 3:15
2X100 IM
2X50 on 1:00 fly/free
2X100 IM
2X50 on 1:05 back/free
2X100 IM
2X50 on 1:05 breast/free
20X25 as sprint, no breather over, technique, underwater (we got 6 of these done :P )
CD 100
Bike on Trainer 1:00
Friday, February 13, 2009
I'm tired even though I've been getting more sleep lately.
Swim about 2000 yards
WU 400 broken IM 100 kick 300 pull
MS 5X200 as SKIPS
CD 200 of whatever I felt like
I allways have a hard time staying asleep at night. I normally wake up a few times but for the last week I've stopped drinking pop (soda) after work and that has helped. This week I seem to only be waking up around 4:30am.
The run yesterday was hard on me. It really wasn't a long run but longer than I have done in quite some time. I've gone a little different route for the off season and am running faster while reducing my total milage. I feel like I've not done enough running but I have been on the bike more than in previous years.
Swim about 2000 yards
WU 400 broken IM 100 kick 300 pull
MS 5X200 as SKIPS
CD 200 of whatever I felt like
I allways have a hard time staying asleep at night. I normally wake up a few times but for the last week I've stopped drinking pop (soda) after work and that has helped. This week I seem to only be waking up around 4:30am.
The run yesterday was hard on me. It really wasn't a long run but longer than I have done in quite some time. I've gone a little different route for the off season and am running faster while reducing my total milage. I feel like I've not done enough running but I have been on the bike more than in previous years.
Why do I blog?
At first it started out as a way of keeping track of exactly what I did in training. There wasn't enough room in the comment section of the "Tri Geek Spreadsheet" (which in my opinion is the best training log out there) and I wanted a way of documenting how I felt, the weather conditions and exactly what happened during the workout.
The origional title to my blog was "My journey to Ironman Florida" but changed it after IMFL cuz it didn't make sense afterwards.
For the last 2 summers I layed off the blog cuz I was just too busy but I really wish I would have kept up with it, that way I would have kept a record of what was going through my head. I do this strictly for myself but like to make it available for other people's enjoyment/amusment.
Anywho, some of my friends found my blog and started to read it, then people from the Slowtwitch forum started too. People kept sending me PM's for a link (which really surprised me) so I put it in my sig line.
I'm nobody special, I haven't ever won a triathlon but have finished 2nd twice when the big guns didn't show up. I very routinely finish 4th through 10th in local events. I have improved every year for the last 6 years. I keep blowing the run on HIM's up to this year where I did well on two of them.
I am completely unsponsered so I pay for all of my stuff. My thanks goes out to my tri club sponsors - Two Wheel Tango, Running Fit and Different Strokes for giving our club discounts. Cadence Cycle and Bikesport have helped me out with advise, sales and friendship. My tri club (FAST) has been responsible for some of the best things in my life.
I don't sell anything here but I do link to some blogs that do. I like to link to informative sites as well as funny ones. I routinely go to cuz I think it's so funny. There is a chance to win a major award at the bottom of my blog (as a joke) but nobody has ever contacted me about it.
I like to use "cuz" cuz I'm too lazy to write "because." I usually have too many l's in my writing and pronounce the word "coupon" as "cuepon."
The origional title to my blog was "My journey to Ironman Florida" but changed it after IMFL cuz it didn't make sense afterwards.
For the last 2 summers I layed off the blog cuz I was just too busy but I really wish I would have kept up with it, that way I would have kept a record of what was going through my head. I do this strictly for myself but like to make it available for other people's enjoyment/amusment.
Anywho, some of my friends found my blog and started to read it, then people from the Slowtwitch forum started too. People kept sending me PM's for a link (which really surprised me) so I put it in my sig line.
I'm nobody special, I haven't ever won a triathlon but have finished 2nd twice when the big guns didn't show up. I very routinely finish 4th through 10th in local events. I have improved every year for the last 6 years. I keep blowing the run on HIM's up to this year where I did well on two of them.
I am completely unsponsered so I pay for all of my stuff. My thanks goes out to my tri club sponsors - Two Wheel Tango, Running Fit and Different Strokes for giving our club discounts. Cadence Cycle and Bikesport have helped me out with advise, sales and friendship. My tri club (FAST) has been responsible for some of the best things in my life.
I don't sell anything here but I do link to some blogs that do. I like to link to informative sites as well as funny ones. I routinely go to cuz I think it's so funny. There is a chance to win a major award at the bottom of my blog (as a joke) but nobody has ever contacted me about it.
I like to use "cuz" cuz I'm too lazy to write "because." I usually have too many l's in my writing and pronounce the word "coupon" as "cuepon."
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Thursday long(er) run
Run 1:30 11 miles on indoor track at Livonia Rec center
25 min Z1
10 min Z2 -oops these are switched around :P
15 min Z1 /
10 min Z3
5 min Z1
10 min Z3
5 min Z1
10 min Z2
That was a lot to remember :)
25 min Z1
10 min Z2 -oops these are switched around :P
15 min Z1 /
10 min Z3
5 min Z1
10 min Z3
5 min Z1
10 min Z2
That was a lot to remember :)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Tuesday Wednesday
Run on Hines drive in the warm weather
8 miles 1:06:15
WU 2 miles
MS 5X1/2 miles with 2 min rests
Finish easy
Swim during lunch
20X100 on 1:45
5 warm up
5 touch under 1:30
5 touch under 1:25
5 touch under 1:30 and cool down
It was much easier to swim this workout today compared to last wednesday. If I feel this good next week I'll try to come in quicker and shorten the interval.
Bike on Trainer after work
1 hour
WU 20 min
MS 2x15 min with 5 min easy
Finish out hour ~ 160 watts
Run on Franklin High School track
30 min
15 moderate
15 under 8:00
Run on Hines drive in the warm weather
8 miles 1:06:15
WU 2 miles
MS 5X1/2 miles with 2 min rests
Finish easy
Swim during lunch
20X100 on 1:45
5 warm up
5 touch under 1:30
5 touch under 1:25
5 touch under 1:30 and cool down
It was much easier to swim this workout today compared to last wednesday. If I feel this good next week I'll try to come in quicker and shorten the interval.
Bike on Trainer after work
1 hour
WU 20 min
MS 2x15 min with 5 min easy
Finish out hour ~ 160 watts
Run on Franklin High School track
30 min
15 moderate
15 under 8:00
Franklin High School,
hines park,
livonia rec center,
Monday, February 09, 2009
Monday 2/9/9 swim
I took sunday off cuz our club put on a swim meet.
I was also kind of sore after saturday's run. I felt like someone hit my right upper thigh with a baseball bat. I'm good now though.
Swim long sets
3100 yards
WU 200S, 200K, 200S, 300 Pull
500 swim on 8:00 (in 7:25)
500 Pull on 8:00 (in 6:50)
500 swim on 8:00 (in 7:20)
500 Pull on 8:00 (in 7:00)
200 cool down
I was also kind of sore after saturday's run. I felt like someone hit my right upper thigh with a baseball bat. I'm good now though.
Swim long sets
3100 yards
WU 200S, 200K, 200S, 300 Pull
500 swim on 8:00 (in 7:25)
500 Pull on 8:00 (in 6:50)
500 swim on 8:00 (in 7:20)
500 Pull on 8:00 (in 7:00)
200 cool down
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Sat swim + bike + run
WU 300 swim 200 reverse IM
4X225 pull on 4:00
100 IM on 2:00
4X125 on 2:00 decending 1-4
100 IM on 2:00
4X50 on 1:00 25 hard 25 moderate
100 IM
12X25 (1st half half, 2nd half hard, no breather)
3X75 on 1:25
3X75 on 1:20
3X75 on 1:15
3X75 on 1:10
CD 200
Post CD 200
4000 yards
Bike 1:30 on trainer...that was as much as I could handle.
Run 42 min 5.1 miles on Hines drive
4X225 pull on 4:00
100 IM on 2:00
4X125 on 2:00 decending 1-4
100 IM on 2:00
4X50 on 1:00 25 hard 25 moderate
100 IM
12X25 (1st half half, 2nd half hard, no breather)
3X75 on 1:25
3X75 on 1:20
3X75 on 1:15
3X75 on 1:10
CD 200
Post CD 200
4000 yards
Bike 1:30 on trainer...that was as much as I could handle.
Run 42 min 5.1 miles on Hines drive
Friday, February 06, 2009
Friday swim
Sticking to the plan I got my SKIPS workout done.
SKIPS=Swim Kick IM Pull Swim
2700 yards in about 50 minutes
WU 1X500 (SKIPS by 100)
MS 2X1000 (SKIPS by 200)
CD 100 kick 100 pull
SKIPS=Swim Kick IM Pull Swim
2700 yards in about 50 minutes
WU 1X500 (SKIPS by 100)
MS 2X1000 (SKIPS by 200)
CD 100 kick 100 pull
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Thursday - long run
My longest run in quite some time.
1:31:00 11 miles HR 151 TSS 123.8
30 min warm up
15 min at Z2
10 min easy
2X5 min Z3 (5 min easy)
Finish with Z2
1:31:00 11 miles HR 151 TSS 123.8
30 min warm up
15 min at Z2
10 min easy
2X5 min Z3 (5 min easy)
Finish with Z2
Wednesday, February 04, 2009
Wednesday - a long day
Swim during lunch, I didn't get to do exactly as planned but was close
20X100 on 1:45
5 warm up
5 touch under 1:30
5 touch under 1:25
5 touch under 1:30 and cool down
Bike on trainer 1:00 173 watts TSS 73.8
3X10 min near FTP 3 min breaks - plus warm up and cool down
Run with Karen at Livonia Franklin High School indoor track.
47 minutes 5.6 miles HR 143 TSS 62
That track is awesome...4 lanes 8.5 laps per mile

20X100 on 1:45
5 warm up
5 touch under 1:30
5 touch under 1:25
5 touch under 1:30 and cool down
Bike on trainer 1:00 173 watts TSS 73.8
3X10 min near FTP 3 min breaks - plus warm up and cool down
Run with Karen at Livonia Franklin High School indoor track.
47 minutes 5.6 miles HR 143 TSS 62
That track is awesome...4 lanes 8.5 laps per mile
Franklin High School,
livonia rec center,
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
It's been a quite a while since I ran
Run 1:00 7.3 miles at the rec center
WU 3 miles easy as I felt like it :)
2X1 miles at ~7:25 5 min rest interval
Finish hour with moderate
WU 3 miles easy as I felt like it :)
2X1 miles at ~7:25 5 min rest interval
Finish hour with moderate
Monday, February 02, 2009
Finally back to training
Just got done with a stupid cold :P
Starting off the week with just a swim
3000 yards ~1:00
500 Warm up SKIPS by 100's
500 hard 7:20
500 moderate pull 7:30
500 hard 7:25
500 pull w/paddles 6:32
CD 150 kick, 200 easy pull, 100IM, 50 easy
Wednesday's swim plans
WU 500 SKIPS by 100's
300 pull
15X100 on 1:45 (Touch under 1:25)
300 kick
200 cool down
Friday's swim plans
2X 1000 SKIPS by 200's
Saturday Swim with FAST
Starting off the week with just a swim
3000 yards ~1:00
500 Warm up SKIPS by 100's
500 hard 7:20
500 moderate pull 7:30
500 hard 7:25
500 pull w/paddles 6:32
CD 150 kick, 200 easy pull, 100IM, 50 easy
Wednesday's swim plans
WU 500 SKIPS by 100's
300 pull
15X100 on 1:45 (Touch under 1:25)
300 kick
200 cool down
Friday's swim plans
2X 1000 SKIPS by 200's
Saturday Swim with FAST
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