Monday, April 07, 2008

Training Thoughts 4-6

Well 2 solid weeks of good training have gone by but I can't help but think that It's too much for me. I have devised a way of tracking my training stress for all 3 disciplines, I won't explain it in detail but I will say I'm using WKO for the bike and have arbitrarily assigned numbers to the swim and run. I'm doing this so I know where my limits are. I'm 40 years old and need to be healthy for work and family too.

The last 2 weeks have seen more time mainly cuz of the extra bike riding where I got 5.5 hours and 8.5 hours in respectively. I've limited my running to near 35 miles per week and feel that is enough to slightly improve my run while giving me enough recovery time to ride more. I'm feeling that my bike abilities are behind where I want it to be right now and want to remedy that. Fortunately the weather has been better so I've been able to get more outside riding done :)

I've come up with a basic week that seems to work well with 2 easier goes like this:

Mon Swim

Tue Bike, Run some type of speed or hill intervals

Wed Swim in morning, Run long

Thu Bike some type of intervals, easy 30 min run

Fri Swim

Sat Swim with Masters, Bike long, 30 min run.

Sun Run, Bike Run varying distances to how I feel.

So I've really have 2 easier days on monday and friday which help recover from the weekend and midweek training. Plus I like to go out with friends on friday night so that works too :)

Upcomming events:

I've got Michigan Masters State Meet comming up in 2 weeks. I'll be swimming all of the free events plus one more that I haven't decided on yet. That would be the 1650, 1000, 500, 200, 100 and 50. I'll be going a little easier next week to prep for the meet so I guess life will give me the break in tri training that I will probably need.

Triple T camp is the first weekend of May. I'll be going down to Portsmouth OH to ride and run the race courses for the DATT. We went last year and had a lot of fun re-learning the courses, there was a lot of bumps I didn't remember. I really feel it kick-started my bike training.

IronKamp is the following week in Boyne Michigan. That camp has been going on for quite some times and it will be my first time doing it. It's a bunch of friends getting out and swim, bike and running a lot over the weekend.

DATT is 2 weeks later, I really want to do well there and not struggle on the final run. I want to have better bike strength but still ride about the same as last year so my running will be better.

So I have a very busy month of May comming up and want to be prepared for it the best I can. That should carry me into this seasons' racing with a lot of endurance to build upon though Steelhead.

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