Monday, April 21, 2008


Since it's been a while since I've been on the bike I wanted to get a little extra today. Tapering for the Masters meet gave me some rest time that I may or may not have needed for Tri training.

Bike on Hines end to end a couple times planning to ride 80 miles or 'till the sun went down. Goal for the ride was to go between 150 and 170 watts depending on how I felt and holding small hills to 215, larger hills to 250. I hooked up with Gary for a while and rode a little harder while I was with him.

I'm going to try and ride hard on Tuesday to get an idea of my FTP. I want to get an idea of where I'm at compared to my goals. I'd like to be near 210 watts by DATT, that would put me in a pretty good position to build from.

Entire workout (157 watts):
Duration: 3:24:48
Work: 1911 kJ
TSS: 232 (intensity factor 0.828)
Norm Power: 166
VI: 1.06
Distance: 68.902 mi

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