Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Another good training day

Started with a swim that I thought was going to be too fast for how I was feeling but did it anyway. Once I warmed up I came right up to speed. This is an Endurance speed workout from my workout book.

The pace is set from my T-pace which is 1:40, all of the sets have a 20 second rest interval between them.

2700 yds

warm up 10X50 :15 RI, 300 pull (I forgot my pull bouy today)

400 @ T-pace+3

4X100 @ T-pace

300 @ T-pace+3

3X100 @ T-pace

200 @ T-pace+3

2X100 under T-pace

100 cool down

After the swim I did an easy 3 mile run, about 26 minutes, HR 149. This is an attempt to bring myself up to 5 runs a week. I'm not going to increase this run or change the intensity untill I bring my total milage up to 35 miles a week, which will be in a month or so.

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