Sunday, April 19, 2009

The rest of the week ending 4/19/09

Run Bike Run on the normal tuesday brick course, Hines was not flooded where is was the day before.
Run 3.1 miles 25:15
Bike 22.0 miles 1:03
Run 6.2 miles 48:46, ran faster on the second 5K. I felt good

Swim at Livonia Rec center
2000 yards
10X200 on 3:30
Not really hard, came in 2:55 to 3:00 most of the time. Last 200 was a cool down

Bike on Hines, planned a moderately quick ride which turned into a warm up and 30 min TT with a friend in pursuit. I won the sprint points but couldn't hold off the finish points :)
22.2 miles 1:06:55

Swim with FAST
3300 yards in about 1:15
Hard sets of 100 mixed up with other stuff.

Run, Bike at Island Lake
Planned on doing a Gordo Brick but I was unable to do the second run. I was so thirsty and tired that I stopped earlier than planned.
Run 45 min 5.44 miles
Bike 45.5 miles 2:11
It was a good day, like usual I learned a bit about myself with this workout.

Run long
16.1 miles in 2:13:44
75 min easy/mod
20 min at 7:50
10 min easy/mod
20 min at 7:40
Finish easy/mod
Felt good for the whole run, I started conservative since I knew I would be running fast on the way back. 8 miles in 1:09 and the last 8.1 in 1:04:44.

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