Thursday, April 02, 2009

The nice people driving down the road.

The main road that goes by my place was resurfaced last fall. When they did it, the city changed the lane markings on the road. It used to have a 6 foot shoulder on both sides, now it has a center turn lane and no shoulder markings.

There is just a .25 mile stretch that I actually have to run on the road, there is a sidewalk that I use for the other .75 miles. After that first mile I get to Hines drive and have a lot of room to run on either shoulder, the path or trails. It's got to be the perfect place in this corner of Michigan to train.

Well most of the people driving down the road give me extra room to run and even go as far as moving over a bit into the center lane if it's safe to do so. When I can I give them a little wave and mouth the word "Thanks" as they are passing. I think many of them understand what I am saying and they appear to be happy to accommodate me.

I'd like to take the time to say "Thank You" to everyone that gives me that little bit of extra room. You make that short little spot on the road a little bit safer for me.

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