Saturday, October 08, 2005


I took friday off cuz I really didn't get much sleep this week and I just felt generally tired.

Saturday masters swim was a little bit different with some 100% 100's.


500 warm up

16X50 drills on 1:00

8X50 kick

6X100 all out with 4:00 break

300 cool down

We didn't get through all of the 100's cuz we ran out of time but I added 300 to my cool down to get the total yards in. I swam so much faster than I thought I would. Maddy and I were swimming in adjacent lanes and were pushing eachother. She is so cool and fun to swim with, one of the nicest people that I know.

Anywho, my times for the 3-100's I did were 1:15, 1:15, 1:16. About 10 seconds faster than I expected, other than at the state meet when I swam a 1:17 for 100 meters from a diving block, this is the fastest I've ever swam. The last time we did this I was swimming 1:25's, that was last spring. Starting to think that the Pineman swim wasn't as short as I thought, maybe I just swam that much faster.

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