Friday, September 30, 2005

Plans for off season

After my long break from hockey (last skate was in January) I've decided to give it a try again. My friend at work invited me to skate with his team this saturday and I'm giving it a try. I'm a defenseman and it seems difficult to find to find decent ones in the local rec leagues. I'm not great but fairly solid. This is a change of pace that I feel will rekindle my desire for hard training.

Starting next week I'm going to get back to steady running again. 4 runs is the plan now and am going to build up to 6 runs. Starting in November I'm thinking of doing a 30-30 (30 runs in 30 days) and see what it does for me.

I'm going to bring my swimming volume up too. I should be able to handle 4 swims of 3000-3500yds to start with and then increase those swims to 4000-4500yds. This year the swims will have more of a purpose than last year's swims to build base endurance. I'm starting to believe that mixing intensities is a better route for me instead of all long slow distance. Another weekly swim will be dedicated to work on the other strokes. I really want to be a better breast stroker and a back stroker but I feel that 1500 to 2000 yds is all that will be required initially.

Cycling will take a back seat again untill Feb-Mar when it will be warm enough outside to ride again. While it is still warm now, I'll just ride when I feel like it.

Hockey should provide anerobic workouts as well as strength. I've just have to be carefull not to build muscle mass again in the wrong places (around the stomach).

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