Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Shoulder is feeling much better

I was a little bit worried about my right shoulder yesterday during the swim but it is healing up very fast. I've got some scrape marks that I thought might get soft in the pool but they didn't. I don't want any of my scabs floating around :(

Strength-wise I was a bit concerned too but since I was able to swim 1:30's with no problem it seems as though I didn't hurt it as bad as I thought. In fact, I felt amazingly strong in the pool yesterday.

This saturday is our first masters workout of the season and I'm going to do my best to move up a lane. I'm planning on staying in the back of lane 5 and see what happens. Hopefully the draft will help me enough to complete the entire workout, I feel I have enough speed to keep up with them now but I know it is a big step. So long lane 4, you'll have to find a new leader this season.

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