Saturday, May 06, 2006

I think Vince was trying to kill us!!!

Masters Swim 4100yds 1:30 (cut from 4700yds)

700yds warm up (200S,200K,300P)

6X200 on 3:30

5x300 pull on 5:15

Cut//3X200IM on 4:00//

3X100 Kick

8X100 on 1:45

200 cool down

There wern't many people at the pool today cuz there was a race at Willow metropark. Only 3 in my lane so I had to lead. I held all of the times. Since all 3 of us were triathletes and we knew we couldn't finish the planned workout before time ran out, so we cut the IM's. I was pretty gassed on the last 2 100's but still came in at 1:30. This pool seems to be 5 sec per 100 faster than the pool at Ballys.


Joe said...

Yikes, that is one hard swim workout! How did you feel the next day?

jaretj said...

Oh I felt fine. Don't tell anyone that I've been getting all sugared up before practice lately :)

Going to get some open water training in soon. The local lakes are over 60 deg F, warm enough for a wetsuit swim. Yea!!!