Thursday, November 19, 2009

Midweek 11/18/09

2 good swims this week so far.
Monday was a broken 1650 with warm up and cool down and Wednesday I did 15X200 on 3:15.

On the 200's I tried to come in at 2:50 but most of the time I was at 2:52-3. I finished out the hour with easy 100's on 1:45.

Monday run was 6 miles of moderate running.

Tuesday I did the Lightfest run in Hines park. I started at the far end (finish line end) and ran with Eric K, Jim C and his sisters. I met Karen at the actual start, ran for 5 min with her, did 20 min of tempo then turned around to pick up Karen again to finish the run. I felt slow that night probably cuz of the slow start and had a difficult time holding 7:30's during the 20 min section. I just couldn't get my feet to turn over. Anywho that was the Q1 workout so I'll get to do the shorter Q2 on Saturday. The entire run was just under 11 miles.

Wednesday's run was a shorter at 4.3 miles just to get run time in. I would still like to keep 6 runs per week through the winter. My left quad had been hurting since monday and I debated on taking Thursday off of running but for some reason it's all better now.

Weight loss is going well. I have actually lost 4lbs in the last 11 days by keeping track of everything I eat (and I really mean everything) and assigning a value to it. I have made better choices to keep myself under 2200 calories a day including the energy foods I eat. I have felt weak in swimming at times but I'm going to have to deal with that untill I get my weight in the place I want it to be.

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