Last week was different for me in that I ran less miles than normal but there was still quite of bit of intensity for me. Thursday's screw up had me run much harder than I should have and Sunday's run wasn't as fast but had an hour of running after the stressfull part.
Things that I've noticed this week while running is that my HR seems to have dropped about 7 beats for the same pace, I am running smoother and more economical. I feel this is a direct result of the faster running I've been doing. All of my running has been in my heavier shoes so no run has been easier than any other.
This week I was near 30 miles while the last 2 weeks were near 33. Next week and following week I'll be at 90% of my peak so I should be getting in about 36 miles.
Next weeks plans have Q1 workout of 2.5 hours or 25% of the week's total milage, that would be 9 miles and seems to be on the short side. I need to look forward in the program and see what long runs are planned, I may need to go to 35% of the week's volume to make it a quality workout. Q2 is the same as last week's Q2: 2 miles E pace, sets of 1Km with 3 4-5 min recovery jogs and then about 2 miles at E pace. I shouldn't screw it up this week. The other 4 runs will be easy and about 30 minutes long. I haven't done the math yet.
Swimmming will be 4 swims with E2,ME,F,Espd workouts spread about 10 to 12K. There is no masters workouts for 2 weeks and the holiday's may shut down Bally's over the weekend so I need to plan accordingly.
I'm also going to try to get on the bike at least once next week.