Sunday, May 17, 2009

The rest of the week

Run during lunch 5.2 miles in ~43 min. Hilly route again, felt quick and tried to hold back.

Bike ~55 min on Hines. It was just starting to rain when I circled by near my home. Rather than ride in the rain I just cut the ride short. Ride was pretty quick and felt fairly good.

Schoolcraft was closed so most of FAST split up and swam at different places. Some went to Lifetime, some went to Livonia rec center while others went home. I went to Livonia Rec center and swam 3100 yards. Less than I would normally have done but more than if I was alone L

Bike ~30 miles. Hines drive out to 7 and Beck road and then back to Middlebelt where it was flooded. I met some nice people on Hines that were rather chatty, wish they could have stayed with me for company but they couldn’t. Also saw Karen at the flooded part of Hines. After 30 miles I was tired and went home.

Karen and I drove out to Island Lake to ride. I wanted to get some more miles on my race wheels and the roads there are fairly free of debris. It was a little bit chilly but after a few miles I felt pretty comfortable.
2 hours on the bike at a fairly steady pace then 1 hour on the run. I felt pretty good while on the bike and worked on nutrition. On the run I had to hold back for the first half staying just above 8 min/miles. On the way back I ran what felt comfortable, turned out to be ~ 7:45’s.

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