Friday, May 18, 2007


Bike 1:30:13 30.1 miles 157 watts NP 166 watts HR 135
Still seem tired from last weekend, it still was a good ride

Transition straight to a 4 mile run
32:15 4.06 miles HR 135

HR was unusually low for this run. I was running low 8's untill the last mile which was high 7's. Normally HR would have been in the mid 140's for this type of run.

I'm a little concerned that I'm over-reaching right now or maybe haven't recovered from last weekend yet. I would like to believe that my run has gotten that much better but I am skeptable about that.

Power file

Entire workout (157 watts):
Duration: 1:30:13
Work: 846 kJ
TSS: 103.4 (intensity factor 0.83)
Norm Power: 166
VI: 1.06
Distance: 30.1 mi
----------------Min Max Avg
Power: -----------0 461 157 watts
Heart Rate: -----66 167 135 bpm
Cadence: --------34 103 90 rpm
Speed: ----------2.2 26.6 20.0 mph
Pace ------------2:15 26:49 2:60 min/mi
Hub Torque: -----0 261 55 lb-in
Crank Torque: ---0 510 152 lb-in

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