Monday, April 13, 2020

Week Ending 4/12: A lighter week

I rode 3 times last week:  1 loop of Island Lake on the mountain bike on Wednesday, some zone 3/zone 2 stuff on Zwift on Thursday and then back on the mountain bike for two loops of Island Lake on Sunday.
Wednesday was moderate and for fun.  Thursday was a little more serious and Sunday I burned off two back to back laps both under an hour (which is decent for me but I've gone under an hour several times).  While I had some intensity there, overall it was an easier week.

4 Runs for 26.7 miles, a zone 4 interval run, two short half hour runs and a 90 min run with some zone 3 effort at the beginning.
Like on the bike it was an easier week.

Now I go back to normal training (sans swimming) for a few weeks.  It's going to be a little more stressful because I was selected to go back to work again (being an essential team member and all).  I hope the weather gets better :)

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