Friday, June 12, 2009

This week so far

This week so far

Swim 3000 yards at LRC
1100 warm up
5X200 on 3:30 coming in ~2:55 to 3:00
5X100 on 1:45
400 cool down

Run 3.1 miles in ~26 min
21.8 miles in 54 minutes
6.2 miles in 48:30

Run 1 was easy to get legs moving

Bike was hard, I was a little frustrated with how the pacing was going and how some people were sitting and not taking a lead when it was obvious that the leader was tired. That left the people that wanted to push the pace out of the rotation. Dan and I jumped up in front a few times to push the pace but when we rotated back the same things happened again. Near Newburg road I went up the hill hard and put a small gap on the next rider. I by chance made the light while everyone else got caught, instead of waiting for them I decided to go on by myself and try to hold them off. I got caught by some lights and made others but I did manage to stay in front by a little bit.

Run 2 I planned to do some intervals since I need to work on run speed a bit. 1 mile moderate then 5X.5 miles hard with .5 mile moderate recovery was the plan while holding the hard ones just under 7 min/mile. It worked out well and Dan and I completed them as planned. We got a .7 mile cool down which was perfect.

Swim 3100 at LCR

Off…I planned on running long but it rained all day and I was unable to get it done. I decided to rest and go to Karen’s house J

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