Monday, November 29, 2004

The Shoe Review (I'm running out of stuff to write about)

The shoes pictured before this post were this year's shoes. All of the shoes were of excellent quality, there were no breakdowns in the materials of the shoes and I would happily recommend them to anyone if they fit their foot correctly. The quality in the Books shoes is so good that the very first pair that I bought in January of '03, I still wear today as my every day shoes (Brooks Beast).

First on the list are the Mizuno Alchemy 3: Good shoe that got me through my ankle problems, there's a lot of arch in these shoes. Some sites call them Stability shoes and others call them Motion control. I liked the arch support in them but they seemed a little loose in the heal for me.

Total miles: 345

Second on the list are the Brooks Addiction 6: These shoes I got in May, 6 weeks before Eagleman. I got blisters on the pads of my feet when they were new and I debated on using them for Eagleman but after they performed well at Seahorse I decided to use them. In July I put a Spenco insole in them and that made them better. It took up the extra room in the shoe. In August, after I scrubbed the shoes down to clean them, they got a curve in the sole that worked very well for me, I'm not sure how it happened, but it made a big difference in my running, for the better. I wound up running all of my races in these shoes as well as IMFL.

Total miles: 473

The next pair of shoes are also Brooks Addiction 6: These shoes did not agree with my feet at all. I figured that the last pair worked so well that a new pair for IMFL would be the right thing to do...NOT!!! I bought these in early september hoping to break them in for the big race but they just weren't the same. When I ran in them I got blisters on my arches, when I put the Spenco insoles in them my heal slipped so bad that I blistered again. I tried washing them and bending them but nothing worked. I went back to the old pair to finish the season, they felt so nice.

Total miles: 30

Now the new shoes, Asics 1090. I've thrown away most things I have read about what kind of shoe I need and found a pair that I really like. I went to Sports Authority because I didn't want to listen to a salesmen tell me what I needed and talk me out of the shoe I want. The shoes on my list were all Asics models, they were: GT-2090, Cumulus, Nimbus, DS Trainer, Legato and the 1090. I figured that the 2090's were the way to go but tried on most of the others. The only one that I didn't try was the DS trainers mainly because they didn't stock them. In the end it came down to the 2090 and 1090 and I chose the 1090 because of the curve in the sole and the fact that they were so comfortable. This is an experiment with a different shoe and I'll keep posting on how they are doing. Time will tell if the shoe fits :)

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