I have my last Physical Therapy appointment today. I really feel I should have more but BCN says they are not medically necessary. Interesting that they would pay for them before my surgery when it actually was useless, but not now when I could benefit from the guidance, they won't.
I had an appointment with my surgeon last Tuesday. She said I could go back to riding on the track, could introduce overhead strength work and start swimming again. The X-Rays revealed no stretching of the grafts and everything is where is should be. There will still be a small bump on my shoulder consistent with a Grade 1 separation but everything is healing well. It will still be another 3 months before I should go back to bike racing and healing will go on for about a year.
Shoulder is feeling much better, I've avoided the things that made it sore and introduced new things that could have made it sore. 😁 I swam for the first time on Saturday. I purposely held it to 500 yards to see how it would be. The best description I can give is that it felt loose in the socket and slightly painful. I was only swimming 50's on a minute so it wasn't fast. Afterwards I ran on the LRC track and did my exercises. In addition to the exercises I used the pull up machine with 100lbs of assist. I am ~150lbs right now so it's like pulling ~50lbs.
I rode 204 miles last week with a mix of track and Zwift, ran 3 times and swam short once. Only one intense day on the bike: Saturday Moring track where I finished all the drills. It wasn't easy, but I finished them. There were no jump-the-gap sprints so I didn't put much stress on my shoulder.
Sunday track is progressing well. We have some new riders that are learning how to do pursuits, they seem very enthusiastic (wow I spelled that right on the first try) and are working out well. We have a very good candidate for our fourth member of our team, I feel he fits in really well.
My strength exercises are going well. I've increased the weight I've been working with a little because I felt some of them were just stretches and too easy to do. I have 15 exercises to do 3 times a day and it takes me ~40 minutes to complete them as prescribed. Sometimes I cut them to 2 sets instead of three to save time since most of the time I'm doing them twice at work.
My weight has consistently been 149-150lbs for the last week; I'm pretty happy about that. I would like to be down to ~142lbs by May.
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