Monday, January 20, 2025

12 weeks post surgery

My shoulder has been better since last week.  I cut the running and bench presses out and things got better by Thursday.  I ran again on Saturday and Sunday and felt good so I feel the bench presses were the cause of the problem.  45lbs was more than I wanted to do but there wasn't a lighter bar.  I need to find an alternative.

Threshold intervals went well last Thursday, they confirmed my TP of 190.  It was just Kevin/Linda and myself doing the intervals, we started off splitting my work as a rotating paceline of 9 strokes each then 20/9.  After that we went 4 laps for me and 1 lap for K/L.  That lowered his power to the range he needed and and raised mine to the power I needed.  I'd like to see and increase of 5 to 10 watts in my next cycle, I'd be happy with 5.

I've been up for 3 weeks now and it's time to lower the training stress for a week so I can recover.  Kevin is on the same cycle.

The Saturday practice is going well. I need to be careful on the "jump the gap" sprints so I don't tweak my shoulder any.  At one point during practice I got my HR just over 180bpm so I was going quite hard.  Our second Sunday of pursuit training went well, we had 7 bikes and worked on exchanges, and finishes.  Today I tried to ride on my aerobars but it turned my left arm to an uncomfortable angle so I abandoned it for now.

I've been pretty good about doing my daily strength exercises, sometimes I miss one but most of the time I don't.  I have an appointment with my surgeon tomorrow and expect to have some restrictions removed.  I'm going to ask if there is something I can do to get more sessions of physical therapy.  I don't need a lot, maybe just 8 sessions so I can make sure I'm doing the right thing to heal up correctly.  I don't want to go through this again.

Body weight has been 149-150 so it dropped a little.  I've been skipping lunch sometimes to reduce calorie counts.  I need to find something more filling to eat for breakfast so I don't snack before lunch.

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