Sunday, May 10, 2020

Week ending 5/10/20

An easier week for me (as planned)  9:35 total time.
Overall, I feel better with Thursday and Friday off.  Because of those days off I ran really well today (Sunday).

I'm probably going to go 1 more week easy, I was planning to race next weekend and would have rested anyway.  After this week I'm going to get back into regular training for an event happening on 9/19/20.  As of now, I'm not sure what I'll do if that race doesn't happen.

This will end my 20 week training cycle.  With the 2 weeks easy I'll get the rest I need to be ready for the next cycle.

Swim - 0

4 rides all on the Mountain Bike Total 80.6 miles 6:54
Monday - Easy at DTE Energy Trail.  Green and Blue loops clockwise.
Tuesday - I rode the Poto by myself hoping to ride well and set a PR.  I rode moderately in the beginning and faster after I got past the sand pit.  I think it was my second fastest loop I've done 1:33:09 (1:35:01 ride time, I had to straighten my bars after I bumped something :( )
Wednesday - I rode 2 loops by myself with my 4th and 1st fastest times (33:09, 32:35) then 1 more loop with a friend.
Saturday - I rode all 4 loops of the DTE Energy Trail counter-clockwise.  I've said in the past that the trail was boring and predictable but now that I've ridden the Winn and Sugar loops I like it a lot better.

Run 18.5 2:42
Tuesday I ran for 2.2 miles after riding the Poto.
Wednesday I ran 3 miles after riding the first 2 loops at Maybury
Sunday I ran 13.2 miles, started easy and then built up to 8:25's for the second half.
I blew off the short run on Thursday cuz I didn't feel like running and it was windy and snowing.

I decided not to do the brick this week, I moved Thursday's long run to Sunday cuz it was cold on Thursday (and I blew off the short run on Thursday anyway).

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