Tuesday, July 01, 2008


Amy's brick

Run 3.1 miles in 25:30 to get warmed up
Bike 16 minutes before the main ride
Bike 21.8 miles in just over 56 minutes stoplights included, by myself.
Run 6.2 miles in 49:10. First 5K at 8:10 pace, second 5K just under 8:00 or M pace

I got a pinch flat on the bike ride and did my best to catch the leaders. I caught 2 minutes on them in 20 miles but that was the best I could do. I rode as hard as I could just making sure I was over 200 watts for most of the time and over 300 climbing. I finished 3 minutes behind them, not bad for 1 rider against 4.

The run I took out easy, a little under my long run pace. My PE was probably 5 out of 10. The second loop I just wanted to run M pace or just under 8 min/mile. I was fairly tired by then and the PE went up to about 7. It had cooled off a little bit so it was a pleasant run.

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