Tuesday, May 06, 2008

DATT Training Weekend

The weekend down in Portsmouth turned out really well. I was a bit concerned about the weather but we did just about everything we planned. The only thing we didn't do was swim.

Packed up Lesley and Gavin's car and drove down, I totaly missed the crossing into Ohio so Gavin beat me there (inside joke).
Bike 1 loop on the Little Smokies course, a little bit of rain but OK. We went up Thompson Hill Rd just to do it, came back down and finished the course

Entire workout (140 watts):
Duration: 2:04:44
Work: 1041 kJ
TSS: 166.6 (intensity factor 0.897)
Norm Power: 179
VI: 1.28
Distance: 31.886 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 750 140 watts
Heart Rate: 22 236 133 bpm

Run afterwards to the top of the run course hill
6.6 miles in about 59 minutes

Run to the end of the run trail and back to cabin
8.3 miles in about 1:13

Bike on the Sat am course. We had to loop back cuz I broke a spoke early in the ride and MJ was kind enough to lend me a spare wheel for the rest of the weekend. Thanks so much.

Entire workout (141 watts):
Duration: 2:14:42
Work: 1133 kJ
TSS: 174.5 (intensity factor 0.883)
Norm Power: 177
VI: 1.26
Distance: 35.205 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 716 141 watts
Heart Rate: 3 231 133 bpm

Run 2 miles afterwards on a short nature trail near the cabins in about 18 minutes.

Bike again on the Sat am course in the evening with the whole group. A nice recovery ride but still challenging in a lot of parts.

Entire workout (111 watts):
Duration: 2:00:59
Work: 801 kJ
TSS: 114.3 (intensity factor 0.754)
Norm Power: 151
VI: 1.36
Distance: 27.944 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 546 111 watts
Heart Rate: 19 242 125 bpm

Bike on the Saturday pm course in the morning. It was a lot more uphill on the way out than I remembered. The big hill on the way back I targeted 215 watts to stay strong, it was the right decision.

Entire workout (146 watts):
Duration: 1:36:57
Work: 844 kJ
TSS: 117.7 (intensity factor 0.855)
Norm Power: 171
VI: 1.17
Distance: 25.569 mi
Min Max Avg
Power: 0 624 146 watts
Heart Rate: 79 205 138 bpm

Run to the end of the run course trail again
8.3 miles 1:11:20. A little quicker than before and I don't know how as we were pretty tired.

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